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Tulsa, OK
Victoria, TX
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Man, that is wierd and, oh my, that is disgusting...
Pics and Things Related to that Ol' Gang in N.O.
Web Rings That I Am a Member Of

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times since
July 1, 1998.

In Memory

Kurt J. Seither
5/9/63 - 7/31/99

* * *
Check Out These Recent Additions

Stephen King Trivia Quiz
Test your knowledge of Stephen King movies with this cool interactive trivia questionnaire.

Baseball Trivia Quiz
Test your knowledge of the Great American Pastime.

Year 2000 Election Issues
What issue is most important to you for the upcoming Presidential election?


"Remember the beginning of 2001: A Space Odyssey when those apes first learned to hit each other with bones? I think that occurred in what eventually became known as the Balkans." - W.S. Grass

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This page has been designed, developed, and maintained by Brian Bennett. It has no official sanctioning or endorsement from any other organization.
The content of these pages is intended for amusement purposes only. I do NOT necessarily endorse nor condone the content of pages linked to from this site.

Copyright �1998-1999 by Brian L. Bennett  -   ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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