Creator of the web site



             Pansuja Ihalagamage.

Thoughts from the day I was born......

I'm so glad to pen a few words on this page,   When I was a small kid four years of age I was so stubborn and naughty and I did not listen to anyone. Being a small child, I had no responsibility, no problems, as well as no aim. I spent the time loitering just like a flying bird in the sky. Even when I was attending to Kindergarten, I was surrounded by nothing other than toys, I preferred most to play with LEGOS, building different objects other than what was mentioned in the catalogue. Always I tried to be self reliant

After another long six years, when I was even ten years of age, my thoughts were very mild and had no responsibility at all. During that period, I laid the foundation stone to lead an ambitious life. I had the possibility to join the chess club in my school and within a short span of time, I obtained high stands gaining the Captainship . In the mean time, with a great interest, I started my computer education with having thousands of ambitions. After a further more period, I become the secretary of the LEO Club,  President of the Radio Society, active member of the English literary Association, a good athlete, weight lifter as well as a best chess player in MC Chess club. I'm so interested in basketball, swimming, rowing and badminton too. And I also love computer programming in PASCAL, C++ , HTML and JAVA. I too spend around 4 to 5 hours sticking with the internet. 


It was how fantastic is the life , at an unexpected moment it made me to proceed to Poland, completely changing my way to another chapter. But now I think I am a responsible person, I have new expectations. To achieve my goals, I have to face the whole world alone and put my steps forward courageously.

But I don't like to stick to this busy world too much. In the present world, human life is so complicated and people are suffering from unlimited necessities. But I fined no difference in their lives. They are so busy. They are used to a never-ending path. Getting up in the morning, having breakfast, going to work and in the afternoon, coming back home, cook meals, have their dinner, and as usual retire to be.........again wake up and repeating the same. What can they gather from their lives? There are people in this world who are kind-hearted and living a better; deliberate life, whereas some are pests. My belief is that this world does not consist of only perfect and good people, but it is full of thieves, cheaters, shrewd and cunning, rich and poor, terrorists, separatists and vivid people. As such, the present situation is so worse, with the bribery, corruptions and cruelty, guileless I cannot understand why defeat or cheat fellow man. But I doubt whether they would realize that one day they would also be hidden in the midst of the same soil on the earth.

The truth is, that death is common to the rich and the poor, when one is born; he has to quit from this world one day. Anyhow, we can stay hare only for a very short time period. However when we reach the end of our life, if any one who can memorize his past and be happy of his past, one can say that he was successful in his life and we can say he is one of the persons who has  comprehended his life. I am not blind, not a person wholly devoted for prayers and not a believer of unforeseen divinity. But being a Buddhist, I follow a philosophy. If one is doing good, he will be benefited by good returns and also if he does some thing wrong, it will follow him like his image. One who is living in this world has unlimited and myriad subtleties, wishers  and faith. To get their ambitions gratified, people work day and night. But, it is very strange; I do not think that those are the unrivaled necessities for the life of a person. And, I do not know, whether I am right or wrong. Those who could not comprehend the spirituality of life will not realize for ever. You may think I am mentally retarded or a freak; occurrence that is abnormal or idiosyncratic. Making a conclusion would be left to the readers.

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