Ancient Past

Famous Lovers of Isurumuni
A rock carving from Isurumuniya in Anuradhapura.

A Nagaraja
A Nagaraja or Dragon King, Guardian of the temple, and the Moonstone.


This exquisitely crafted gilded bronze statue is said to be of  "TARA", consort of Bodhisatva Avalokiteshvara according to Mahayana ideology. The head dress and the finely pleated cloth from hip to ankle signifies a person of Royal lineage. The elegance of design is apparent in the depiction of the hand gestures which displays the Varada Hasta Mudra the sign of bestowing a boon and Kataka Hasta Mudra- the ring hand gesture. 

(((this has described the picture of right side corner "Tara"-Varada Mudra)


Polonnaruwa was also a royal capital.  Most of its remaining sculptures depict the Buddha with his disciples. But this statue considered to be among the finest of Asian carvings, is a portrait (left) of the King Parakramabahu.  

A score of the mysterious ladies frescoed on living rock survive.  

Sri-Lanka  - the Resplendent Island, offers such a variety for the visitor and the traveler to see, feel and bask in! Among the vast array of ancient cities the world over, Sigiriya holds a unique position. This is the reason why the visionary of the Satellite communications, Sir Arthur C. Clark, proposed that Sigiriya be declared the 8th Wonder of the World. He has even based of his great novels -"Fountains of Paradise" - around Sigiriya! Why is Sigiriya a unique and a fascinating site?

Ruvanvaliseya (below), also a modern reconstruction, is still protected by a wall of carved elephants.

Liols paw
Great monumental Lion, only the paws remain; also this was the entrance to the upper part of the palace. 

Sandakadapahana (Moonstone)
A rock carving from Era of Anuradhapura, consisting of swan, horse, elephant and cow.  But during the era of Polonnaruwa they have built Moonstones without the cow.  At the time Hindu beliefs were increased and they believed it is not proper to step on the cow of the Moonstone when entering to the temple. (Cow was given the status of divinity in Hinduism) 

Tara-Varada Mudra

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