
Who wrote thousands of poems about my Country.....Who said it's the pearl of Indian Ocean........What did he mean? on me....!!!

To get to Sigiriya, if you travel from Colombo on A 1 Route to Kandy, turn off from Ambepussa on to Kurunegala-Dambulla Road.  Sigiriya is 169 kolometers from Colombo past Dambulla.  As you pass Kimbissa - a sleepy hamlet in the typical North Central plains - suddenly looming over the shrubby jungle, on the skyline is this Rock "monolith" - the Sigiriya Rock fortress, rising to a height over 600 feet from the low plains.  As the vehicle approaches the site, the Rock rises before you like a great colossus standing sentinel over the Pleasure Gardens of the Fortress City built Circa 473 AD and flourished upto 495 AD.  The gravity flow springs of the gardens still function when rains fill the Royal pond up the summit of the Rock.  The Palace Complex - the ruins of which are still intact over 3-acre Table Top summit - and the sprawling gardens surrounding the rock - reflect the sense of aesthetics and the taste for sensuous pleasures the builder of this edifice is known for.

Famous Sigiriya Frescoes

There are many theories regarding this mysterious Rock Fortress and its builder who lived there with his retinue of beautiful people.  Sigiriya was built by the parricide Kasyapa.  In fact, Kasyapa's father, Dhatusena is the second most prolific "reservoir-builder" of Sri Lanka after King Mahasena.

Kasyapa was born to Dhatusena's No.2 Queen who it is said, is a Magian from Persia what is now part of Iran.  The Chief Queen's son Moggallana was the heir to the thrown.  The intrigues in the Royal Court forced Kasyapa's hand.  He engaged his step-brother in an med conflict and defeated him at war.

Moggallana escaped to India (and from there to Malaya - according to the great Sri Lankan Archeologist Dr Senarath Paranavithana.)  Kasyapa, one theory goes, wanted to live a life of a recluse with his retinue of beautiful beings.  However once becoming King he had to live the part.  Therefore, it is said that he wanted to complete his adobe up the Rock to fit a King .  Another Theory is that he wanted to be the Kuvera - to become the Parvatha Raja!  As such he wanted his Palace to match that of Alaka Mandha of the legendary Kuvera.  When Kasyapa, demanded that his father release all his wealth so Kasyapa could complete his Rock Fortress, King Dhatusena requested that he be taken to Kalaweva, the great "Reservoir" he was completing at the time he was "arrested".  It is well known that it was on Kalawewa on which Dhatusena had spent his time and wealth.  When taken there, Dhatusena showed Kasyapa the vast expanse of water and said: "Here lies my wealth!".  Infuriated by this claim by his father, which he thought was a rebuke, it is said, Kasyapa had his father killed by "plastering" him onto a wall.  To repent this heinous crime, and to forget his misdeeds, it is claimed that Kasyapa spent his time up the rock.  He had his palace replete with all comforts and beautiful trappings.  The Pockets of Frescoes reveal a glimpse of that ancient splendour of the sensuous life style Kasyapa may have spent there.  Yet another theory is that Kasyapa lived up there up the rock, in fear of being attacked by Moggallana.  Be its as it may, Sigiriya was built as a Palace that none can match....  A self sufficient heaven of sensitive aesthete who had given into his sensuous pleasures.

If you wish to explore Sigiriya, the timing must be just right for you to enjoy your efforts.  As the famous frescoes are on the rock face to the west, the frescoes in these grottos can be seen clearly when the sun is well on its way down in the afternoon.  So take a trek up on to the summit of the Sigiriya Rock where Kasyapa built his royal city - his fortress capital in the sky!  On the 3-acres on the flat top you would find the remains of Kasyapa's Palace and what may be his Royal Bath, the Pond up the Rock still reflects the blue of the skies in its clear water.  As one stands at the top facing setting sun, to the right is the famous Buddhist temple Wandurangala.  The King and his retinue has gone there regularly to make their religious observances.  To the left of Sigiriya is another Rock, where Kasyapa's Prime Ministers abode was.

The fascinating sight from the top of the Sigiriya Rock is really a glimpse into the aesthetics of an era gone by.  From up there one can see the special facets of Sigiriya that include the remains of the sprawling pleasure gardens with gravity flow-springs.  The Cloud Maidens immortalized in the pockets of frescoes and the gravity etched by the common visitors on the mirror wall leading from the Rock to the giant Lion's Paws hewn out off the Rock face thousands of yeas ago.

Sigiriya is in center of the Cultural Triangle; Anuradhapura - the First Kingdom to the west of it; Polonnaruwa the Second Kingdom to the east and to the South of Sigiriya is the Golden caves of Dambulla, just a 17 miles on way to the last Kingdom of Sri Lanka - Kandy.

Some of the Sri Lanka's exciting hotels are found surrounding, Sigiriya adding to its inviting ambience.

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