Hi! If you have Matt news, write to me at matt_rap@hotmail.com.)

Welcome to the Matt Damon Column,
a forum for sharing news among Matt fans.

Updated 2/27/99

"Rounders" video is here.

A new "Ripley" photo

Matt Damon is an actor who's flatly impossible not to root for." - Kenneth Turan, . Los Angeles Times Film Critic .

2/27/99 Off Daily Variety:

Cruz to take 'Horses' lead
Thesp cast as Damon's love interest
Penelope Cruz has been cast to star opposite Matt Damon in Miramax/Columbia's "All the Pretty Horses," to be directed by Billy Bob Thornton and based on a novel by Cormac McCarthy. In the film, to shoot shortly in Texas, Cruz plays a Mexican girl from an upper-class family that discourages her romance with Damon's character. Cruz's casting in "Horses" confirms her as Spain's hottest international actress. Having co-starred in Stephen Frears' Berlin Competition player "The Hi-Lo Country," she has inked to star later this year in Fox Searchlight's "Woman on Top," to be directed by Fina Torres.

(Here's how Mr. Showbiz put it: "Cruz will play the upper-crust Mexican beauty whose family attempts to discourage her romantic involvement with Damon's hunky farmboy drifer.")
(Thanks to Felicity and Lisa for these items. Word is that Cruz is a real beauty - can you stand it?)

Planet Ice delayed
From the LA Times:
(excerpt) Fox, which had originally planned "Planet Ice" as a late 1999 release, delayed the film ... because of story problems. After launching its new feature animation division with "Anastasia," a rather traditional Disney-like animated musical, the studio was looking toward breaking new ground with an animated science-fiction tale as its follow-up, says Meladandri.
"But we had more problems with the story than we anticipated," he said. Fortunately, he added, many of those issues were ironed out during the development phase rather than during production.
Still, "we were in development for a lot longer than we expected," says Meladandri, which has pushed back the release to 2000...
(As Felicity put it: This means a little less Matt overload later this year. Sigh.)

2/25/99 Things have been quiet, but today there is a paragraph on Billy Bob Thornton in Army Archerd's column in The Daily Variety. Of interest are these mentionings:

2/23/99 Lisa wrote to alert me of a poster of DOGMA now appearing on the the Dark Horizon site - click on "news". Thanks, Lisa!
(Matt is on it, but only barely; Ben is more prominent on the poster. You will see pictures from Ben's upcoming film "Force of Nature" there as well.)

New York Post Page Six column:
Sightings ... MATT Damon and Ben Affleck wearing baseball caps and trying to go unnoticed as they took a break at Life from filming with their "Boiler Room" castmates Scott Caan and Megan Dillon.
(Note: "Boiler Room" is a movie with an ensemble cast which includes Ben Affleck.)

Yet another report from the San Antonio Express:

(Notes: As Felicity pointed out, this is yet another mention that the female lead hasn't been chosen yet. Also, I have added the San Antonio Express to my Sources of Matt info page.

Tania wrote:
I have some Matt Damon desktop wallpaper on my homepage... look for it on her personal homepage

From 2/19 Daily Variety (and it's the lead story) :

(Note: I have been waiting badly to hear about Matt's next project after "Horses", and this one isn't what I want to hear. This is a low budget film that seems to be the kind favored by Ben Affleck - I hope Matt doesn't sink too much of his time and energy into it. Frankly, it sounds like a junky project.)

2/19/99 From the San Antonio Express News All the pretty . . .
Heartthrob Matt Damon, who'll be here to shoot Cormac McCarthy's "All the Pretty Horses" in March, should drop by the rodeo for cowboy tips.
However, he was spotted in the hip urban Houston Street Alehouse the other night, and he wasn't drinking Lone Star.
"Horses" director Billy Bob Thornton and crew have already transformed Chris Hill's Gallagher Ranch for their set. Now Hill says he hears Damon and Thomas have a nude scene crossing the river there. Head for the Hill Country!

And another item:
For some, casting call is a family affair
By Jennifer Walsh, Express-News Staff Writer (Saturday, Feb 13,1999)

(My notes: Sounds like the casting call went well. And, it sounds like the shooting of the film will start at the beginning (the nude scene referred to in the first item is at the start of the novel), contrary to what I thought.)

2/18/99 From the Page Six Column in today's New York Post:
MATT: not going All those women hoping to make time with Matt Damon tonight without interference from Winona Ryder are out of luck. The Tinseltown heartthrob was slated to show solo - Ryder's filming in Pennsylvania - at the "Time For Peace Awards" at the Hammerstein Ballroom to pick up an award for absentee pal Robin Williams. But now Damon can't make it either. He's been called to Texas to work on "All the Pretty Horses" and had to cancel.
(Thanks to Felicity for spotting this item. "Pretty Horses" is not supposed to start filming until next month. My speculation is that Matt was called to Texas for rehearsal or perhaps for tryouts with the female lead candidates. And it sure sounds like he and Robin are keeping in touch.
According to the New York Daily, the award mentioned above is given out by the United Nations - Steven Spielberg and Roberto Benigi are among the other ricipients.

2/17/99 From the Inside Track Column in the Boston Herald:
Going to the Matt for WW II
Matt Damon of "Saving Private ryan" fame is hopping on Hollywood's World War II bandwagon with a new flick that could be called "Saving Major Gause."
The British press is reporting that Matty and his Cambridge homey, Ben Affleck, are going to be the executive producers of "War Journal", a period flick based on the newly discovered memoirs of Maj. Damon "Rocky" Gause.
In the journal, the Major tells of his escape from the Japanese in the Phillippines and his 53-day sail to freedom across the Pacific amid enemy fire. Sadly, Rocky was shot down over London a year later during a routine air maneuver.
Oops, guess we gave away teh ending!
This item was first reported in Variety on AOL (see below). It just occured to me - seeing it written up like above - that Matt or Ben or both may appear in the film? There's no doubt that these two are history or war bluffs. Who would have thunk?

2/16/99 From the Boston Herald's Inside Track column again, here's another sighting:

Added Felicity: If you want a time-waster, try 'Entertainment Weekly's message boards. There are lots of different subjects, including Matt (not a very active board!), but other ones like the best upcoming movies of 99 and other 'relevant' stuff. There's a huge Matt fan (Lesley) who keeps updating the pages with news on movies and things, so it's worth checking out. Interestingly, a page solely to discuss 'The Talented Mr Ripley' has just opened up, with most people expressing their concerns about Matt in the lead role. It could certainly provoke an argument! But at least it's getting attention?

And more from Felicity:
Here's an item I've just found off 'Cinezine' online news. It's a = Boston-based news/movie/entertainment summary. It's just rather amusing (or very sad) because of Rounders' history and also the history that Winona Ryder has dated (I believe) at least one of the members of the band, The Foo Fighters.

Dave Grohl of the Foo Fighters (in conjunction with his Roswell Records label, EMI and the publishing company M.J. Twelve Music) has filed a lawsuit against Miramax, charging them with unauthorized use of the band's song "Big Me" in trailers for the movie Rounders. He claims Miramax was offered a 15-second snippet for $86,000 in March 1998 but that no agreement was ever signed, this despite Miramax using the song, albeit without Grohl's vocal track. According to the suit, "Miramax knowingly, willfully, and with the intention of evading the licensing terms offered by the plaintiffs, directly copied the master and composition in creating three versions of the trailer, two of which contained approximately 18 seconds of both the composition and the master..." Grohl and company are suing Miramax for federal and international copyright infringement, unfair competition, conversion, accounting, constructive trust, and injunction. Among the suit's demands is that all of the aforementioned trailers be recalled -- including those on home video cassettes.
(My note; This is truly sad. When something doesn't work, there are bad feelings all around.)

2/14/99 A huge Matt fan wrote:

I do know about the site and it is a good source of information. It is in fact listed in my links to sources of Matt info page.
If the release date for "Planet Ice" (an animation film which features the voices of Matt, Drew Barrymore, and others) is indeed in November, then we are looking at four - count them - four feature films that Matt will be in around that time, perhaps in the following order: Ripley, Ice Planet, DOGMA, and All the Pretty Horses - brace yourself!

(Felicity wrote:) From the New York Daily News online edition today:

2/13/99 "Horses" going Full-Steam
The following little blurb, discovered by Felicity, appeared in the San Antonio EXPRESS:

(I hope they found some good extras - they are very important to the movie. Note that it's mentioned that other roles have not been announced, presumably including the female lead role.)

I finally picked up the March MovieLine issue, the one that has an article on "young hollywood". The article is excellent, and I have the excerpts and my comments here.

I also looked at the latest Vanity Fair: Kate Blanchett is beautiful on the cover. I chose a very long line at Von's this morning just so I could take a look at the "Ripley" article. The magazine is about 600 0pages long, it seems, and the article is way in the back, page 242 or some such. There are a handful of photos from Ripley, including one of Gwyneth in her Matt-Damon T-shirt, several of Matt with the producer, the director, and Jude Law; all are small and Matt has his glasses on. There are a couple of very stylish still shots from the film, it seems, but only showing the extras. It appears to be from a scene in the film and people are on a cruise ship. I just remember, this must be the scene -- SPOILER -- of Matt's character on his way to Italy.

2/12/99 Big news. If you have a chance, pick up a copy of "USA Today" before the weekend is over. There is a big spread "Keeping Stardom Afloat" on the status of Hollywood stars - an excerpt of which is already provided below, thanks to Felicity. But what I didn't know is that there are caricatures on the front page of four pairs of stars, Matt and Gwyneth is one (the others are Will Smith + Julie Roberts, Travolta and Jodie Foster, and Costner and Sharon Stones). Matt and Gwn, as portrayed in the drawing, are boy and girl carrying their knicknacks to the beach, and both smiling and waving. Caption for them: No fear, Matt Damon and Gwyneth Paltrow are newcomers to Hollywood A-list. Will Smith: sitting pretty. Travolta: headed for super-stardom. Costner and Stone: keeping their head above the water.
The drawings show them all on the beach and each pair doing things that are reflective of the captions. Pretty funny.

BUT the big news is this: In the "Sound bite" section of the same issue of "USA Today" , almost unnoticed by me at first read, is a little box with the heading "Song Changes Damon's Tune", and what it says raised by eyebrows. Big Time. To wit:

I just scanned my taping of "Hollywood Access", and on today's show they also mentioned that Matt sings in "Ripley" ("Word is that he can really belt it out.") They also showed a few "candid" photos supposedly taken on the location of "Ripley" and supposedly in the new Vanity Fair.

Felicity wrote:
USA Today has got a major feature on the top mega-stars/established stars/ and the up and comers. Matt and Ben are mentioned as the top pick of the last section:

Well I tried to support Matt by going by the neighborhood Blockbuster to pick up a copy of "Rounders" for the weekend. I was taking my sweet time, thinking that no-one else will be interested, if the boxoffice of the film is the indicator. Guess what? All copies were checked out. To be honest, there was only a couple rows set aside on the shelves for this video, whereas GWH had a whole shelf to itself, as I recall. Still, mine is a pretty small town and I consider it a good sign for those 20 or so copies to be all gone. I CAN wait a little. Of course, chances are it won't stay on the chart for long, just like when it was in the theaters.
In fact, in the Blockbuster preview of February releases Rounders was given just a small photo while "Something about Mary" is on the cover and prominently in display. In the Rounder blurb they don't even bother to identify Matt and Edward Norton (nor anyone else in the film). I did catch a trailer of the film just now on TV, however, and it is put out by Blockbuster. Considering that Matt's GWH was the top rental for that chain last year, you'd think they would recognize Matt's potential draw.

From the Texas Film Commission's page:
Movie extras are needed for the feature film ALL THE PRETTY HORSES directed by Billy Bob Thornton and starring Matt Damon. Hispanic men, women, and children of all ages are needed, along with Hispanic men who ride horses well. Bring a non-returnable photo to Embassy Suites Hotel-Airport in San Antonio, located at Highway 281 and Jones Maltzberger, on Saturday, February 13, between Noon and 5pm. If selected, extras will be paid for work.
(I know exactly which scene they are casting for. It's a bit of a spoiler for the film so don't read further if you don't want to.
..... . . .
There is a scene in the novel where Matt and Henry Thomas are putting on quite a show, taming dozens of wild horses in record time, to impress the Mexican ranchers that they were hoping to work for. The local Mexicans take to gather around to watch the spectacle. In the novel, the dialog in this scene is hilarious, with Matt playing the shining hero and Henry Thomas sprouting one-liners. This is one of the scenes that I am really looking forward to.

Jeanne Jakle, the San Antonio Express-News:
Matt Damon was here
Though their movie doesn't start shooting here for another month, actors Matt Damon and Henry Thomas already have hung out a bit together downtown.
Last sighting I heard of happened a couple of weeks ago on Houston Street, where the two made the bar scene and put away quite a few beers.
In fact, you may have seen Damon yourself and just didn't recognize him under that baseball cap he likes to hide in while out.
I've yet to hear of a sighting of Billy Bob Thornton, the director of the movie, "All the Pretty Horses," though. He, the cast and the crew will be in town officially in mid-March.
(My note: So now the filming doesn't start until mid-March. That leaves it only about two and a half months before the horrid summer weather there starts.)

Casting Rumor (thanks, Felicity) The Dark Horizon site claims that Matt, along with Andie McDowell, Peter Fonda, and Paul Newman, are performers who are interested in a remake of James Dean's East of Eden. The site also has a review of the Dogma screening which is less glowing than those that appeared on AICN (see below).

DOGMA Check out the Ain't-It-Cool site for some reviews of the screening of Dogma, the Kevin Smith film that Matt and Ben have small roles in. The reviews say that Matt pulls off some deadpan humor, and the chemisty betwen him and Ben in the film is good. (Thanks to Lisa for pointing the way to these reviews.)

This is what we missed A transcript of the 2/10 Access Hollywood segment featuring Matt - compliments of a huge Matt fan:

Note: So "Vanity Fair" not only has Kate Blanchett on the cover, but "Ripley" stuff inside - yet one more reason to hit the magazine stands.

Laura wrote:

(My notes: One of the things that I find interesting about Matt is the kind of people that he associate himself with. As you said, his current girl-friends, ex-girl-friends, and his best friend are all media favorites, and then if you look at his co-stars (Ed Norton, Kate Blanchett, Paltrow) and directors (Minghella and Billy Bob Thornton) - well, it's golden all around!)

Here's a nice quote of Matt: In an interview in the December Juice Magazine of Australia (Thanks, Felicity) -

This is a no-frills web site dedicated to a weekly (or so) column on Matt Damon , the actor.
The columns are written by a fan of the actor and are stricly for the reading pleasure of others who admire Matt. Each column will address a specific topic, along with tidbits and news on Matt.
Readers' emails are welcome. Write to me at matt_rap@hotmail.com.
Guest columns are invited. If you have a column that you want to be considered to be published here, write me.

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