Mousse hides training pottys in his pants 
Mousse is a Chinese magician from the Amazon village, Joketzukoku.  Since four years of age, he has been in love with Shampoo and proposed to her the day he met her.  Unfortunately, he hadn't been wearing his glasses and proposed to a pig, and Shampoo, outwardly insulted that she had been compared to a pig, kicked Mousse in the back of his head.  Mousse continued trying to win Shampoo's heart until Ranma beat Shampoo and she followed her to Japan, whereas Mousse left as well.
                According to the Amazon law, to win the right to marry an already betrothed woman, you must defeat the man who claimed her in combat.  So, Mousse appeared in Nerima intent on destroying a "Ranma Saotome".  Mousse confronted Ranma in the street, where he mistook him for Shampoo and hugged him, for which he recieved a short kick in the face.  Mousse then attacked Ranma with the Fist Of The White Swan, Hak-Cho-Ken, and Ranma blocked his hit, which turned out to be a quick whack with a swan-shaped training potty.  Cologne wouldn't let him fight for Shampoo because she is already engaged to Ranma by Amazon law, so Mousse challenged Ranma for Akane.
                The fight took place in a ring in the middle of a small circus, and Ranma appeared as a girl dressed as Mousse (Ranma was under the effects of the Full Body Cat Tongue at the time).  Mousse attacked with a second technique, the Hen's Egg Bomb, Kei-Ran-Ken, and Ranma dodged the bombs but was caught by Mousse's chains.  Ranma shed his disguise and appeared as a girl, and Mousse became infuriated that Ranma was trying to make a fool of him.  A slashing kick tore Ranma's bodysuit, and a bunch of drooling perverts hoarded the ring, only to be blown away by Kuno, who charged out of nowhere in protection of his pig-tailed girl.  Mousse was considerably startled that Ranma now seduced not only women, but men as well, and vowed to put a stop to Ranma's evil.  He then launched his final attack, the Raking Hawk's Talon, Taka-Zume-Ken, but he hit Kuno instead and Ranma stole Mousse's glasses.
              Mousse was defeated by an inch, but he was still defeated, so he left for China to train at (get ready for this) the Training Ground of Accursed Springs.  Well, Mousse wasn't wearing his glasses and fell in the Spring of Drowned Duck, Yaazunichuan, on his first step.  So the same rule applies as with the other spring victims.
Mousse + cold water =
 Mousse (duck) + hot water =
                        Mousse returned to Nerima with a Chinese circus to exact his revenge upon Ranma for all that had happened to him, and kidnapped Akane as bait.  Mousse attempted to splash Ranma with water he'd obtained from the Spring of Drowned Duck, but his plan failed and Ranma beat him unconscious.  This time, however, Shampoo felt sorry for Mousse because he had done it for her, and she got him a job at the Cat Cafe (at minimum wage).
Mousse uses dark magic to hide weapons, arms, and almost anything else in his robes, and he isn't a martial artist, but he is trained in Amazon combat.  He sometimes forgets to wear his thick glasses, which, if misplaced, leave him blind as a bat.

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