Ranma Saotome
Well here we are at the first character page of many yet to come i wish i        were him girls wanting me every minute lucky guy! if you were ranma you have the ability to change into a girl i think that is so wicked all of the posibilities we all know that every guy wants to be a lesbian now and again and thiers ranma not taking adavantage of Shampoo she jumps on him when he is a girl if i was thier ide pull off my pants and get going right thier and then who cares what other people think let alone Akane shed be so jelous that on that very night i bet she would want to ranma to come into her room and you can think of the rest if thier was really a spring of drowned woman i would jump in with out a second thought just take a look at all the adavtages no periods or any of that crazy stuff just a good form and some very nice sized breasts if i might add the only thing wrong is that you are a little bit short but i could get past that anywayse lots of good looking girls are short i could name a couple but that wouldnt be appropriate not like anything else on this page is but thats beside the point i like that fraze.........its beside the pont.
I am Hiroshi! Okay, here we go.  Ranma Saotome was  born a guy from his parents Genma and Nodoka Saotome.  His father Genma (with Nodoka's permission) took Ranma on a long training journey and taught him in the Saotome School Of Anything Goes Martial Arts from childhood.  Thus as he grew, he became an incredibly skilled martial artist.  Along their travels, they encounter many people who meet Ranma and Genma later in life.  At sixteen years, Genma reveals that he engaged Ranma to a daughter of the Tendo family, the father of which knew Genma from boyhood.  Reluctantly, Ranma went along with the plan
                    Here's where it gets a little strange.  Genma and Ranma along the way visit a training ground in the Quanjing region of the Quinghai province accompanied by a guide, who informs them that they have arrived at the training ground of accursed springs, Jusenkyo.  Unfortunately, Ranma and Genma did not speak Chinese, and sparred with each other immediately.  Well, when Ranma fell in a spring, the Jusenkyo Guide explained that Ranma had fallen in Nyannichuan, the Spring Of Drowned Girl.  According to the legend, whatever falls in a spring will take the form of whatever drowned in the spring a period of time ago.  So, Ranma becomes a girl when he is splashed with cold water.  Hot water will reverse the effect and change him back, but that's until the next time.
Ranma + cold water =
  Ranma + hot water =  
Ranma's little secret has helped & hindered him at many times during his life, but it's always been funny.
                    When Ranma and Genma arrived at the Tendo dojo, Ranma was in his girl form and the Tendos (Soun the father and his daughters Kasumi, Nabiki & Akane) believed he was a girl and that their father had screwed up again.  Later on, Akane discovered that Ranma was a guy (through an interesting method) and the secret was out.  Genma explained their situation to the Tendos, and Kasumi and Nabiki immediately elect Akane as Ranma's fiancee.  Ranma disagrees to the engagement because he and Akane didn't like each other, and he calls her uncute (kawaiikune).  Ranma secretly develops a soft spot for her later, though.
                Ranma discovers later on that his father, for lack of any money or suitable payment, gave Ranma away and retrieved him many times when they had been traveling, and that he consequentially had about a half dozen fiancees with himself as the husband.  He maintains that he never agreed to any of these engagements, but he never mistreats any of the fiancees (as much as he can help it), except for Akane, who he constantly insults and makes fun of.  She often responds by beating him up.  All of his fiancees come looking for him eventually, including Kaori Daikoku and Ukyo Kuonji.
                Ranma's pig-tail is tied with the Dragon's Whisker, an artifact which causes the wearer's hair to grow wildly out of control.  During his travels with Genma, Ranma stole and ate a bowl of soup which had a Dragon's Whisker in it, so he quickly found another, with which to tie his hair and prevent the growth.  Happosai and the Niku-Nan Men also want the Dragon's Whisker to grow hair.
                Ranma attends Furinkan High along with Akane, Nabiki, Kuno, Ukyo and Hikaru, although only Akane, Ukyo, Hikaru, Hiroshi and Daisuke are in his 1-F class.  The Principal of Furinkan High hates Ranma and makes weird rules to disadvantage him.  Ranma also never wears a proper school uniform, but rather sticks to his regular Chinese attire.  (Hey, who'd be able to make him wear the uniform?)
                Ranma's martial arts skills are incredibly well-honed and powerful.  He uses his abilities all the time to go about his business, but he sometimes angers people through his actions.  Two examples are Akane and Ryoga, who both get angry all the time and beat up on Ranma.  At a young age, Genma tried to train Ranma in the art of Cat-Fu, but the process in which to train Cat-Fu is to wrap the trainee in fish sausage and throw him in a pit of starving cats.  Ranma caught ailurophobia, fear of cats, and when scared beyond control by cats, the only way to deal with the fear is to become a cat himself.  In this state he is virtually invincible, but talks and thinks like a cat.  He often falls to this weakness when Shampoo becomes a cat around him.
                He can move with lightning speed if necessary, which later leads to Cologne teaching him his first special technique, the Chestnuts-Roasting-On-An-Open-Fire Technique, Kachuu Tenshin Amaguriken.  Cologne would also teach him the Heavens Blast Of The Dragon, Hiryuu Shoten Ha.  He can fight in almost any situation, which springs from a bold, never-say-die attitude he always promotes, along with a strong stubborness and hot temper.
Back to the Don........ Well I still say the whole thing sucks!