Ryoga Hibiki
Ryoga is like the coolest character he has no sense of direction whatsoever that is so wicked  i have a bad sense of direction but not like his i hope  myne does not get any better it would be cool if it got worse when im like 60 i could wander around and not find my house and it would be cool but other than that he knows the breaking point and other stuff.......ya thats it and he could wupp Ranma any day exept for that stupid Rumikio I HATE WRITERS they ruin everything......i love viz video!
Ryoga Hibiki is a boy who knew  Ranma from childhood.  They met at the start of a new semester at a boys school (they were about 8 years old) during lunch hour when the cafeteria lady would throw food into the crowd.  Ranma and Ryoga would fight over food and Ranma would always beat Ryoga, so Ryoga challenged Ranma to a showdown.

                However, Ryoga's worst habit is being directionally-challenged, and Ranma waited three days at the appointed place, until he left with Genma for China.  When Ryoga finally arrived (on the fourth day), Ranma had left, so he followed Ranma and Genma to Jusenkyo, where he was knocked off a cliff by a red-haired girl chasing a panda (Ranma and Genma).  Ryoga fell into the Spring Of Drowned Black Piglet, Heitouennichuan, and he undergoes the same procedure when splashed with water as Ranma and Genma.
             Ryoga + cold water
  Ryoga (piglet) + hot water =
                    Ryoga searched Japan until he found Furinkan High School, and confronted Ranma, who didn't immediately recognize him.  Ranma and Ryoga had a showdown, and Ryoga discovered Ranma's transformation, but continued the assault.  The battle ended when Ryoga's belt (strung sharp as a blade by Ryoga) hit Akane and cut her long hair off.
                    Atfer the brief pause in his plans, Ryoga obsessively continued to follow Ranma all the way to the dojo, where he attacked Ranma in his sleep.  They were then both thrown out the window by a grumpy panda, and Ryoga told Ranma he'd gone to Jusenkyo in his pursuit.  He attacked Ranma, but was hit in the head by Akane, who mistook him for a prowler, and Ryoga ran off in the rain.  Ranma followed and found Ryoga's clothes near a red-eyed dog.  Meanwhile, Akane returned to her room and found a strange black piglet rustling around in her room.  That evening, Akane found Ranma with the dog, and identified it as Yamada's dog (Yamada isn't really anybody important, a thrown-in name).  A disappointed Ranma took to the bath with the pig (at Akane's insistence), and when she threw the pig in, Ryoga popped out.
                    Fuming, he told Ranma that after he pulled himself from the waters of the spring, he was taken by a panda to be cooked by a guide and eaten.  If he hadn't transformed back, he would have been Cantonese-style sweet n' sour pork.  Blaming Ranma for his pain, Ryoga threw a punch.  Ranma countered that Ryoga should be mad at the girl that knocked him into the spring and the panda that tried to eat him.  Genma then walked in and threw Ranma's plan out the window, and Ryoga realized that Ranma and his father were the girl and the panda.  Ranma was now the total cause of his suffering.
                    Ranma ran for the showerhead and sprayed him down, and an angry pig scratched Ranma's face and ran off, finding refuge behind Akane, who scolded Ranma for picking on a pig.  She then comforted the pig and kissed him.  Ryoga fell in love with Akane and she named the pig P-Chan, meaning "Pig-Cute".  Ranma tried to blow Ryoga's secret until Ryoga finally faced Ranma again, and told him that he loved Akane and told Ranma to stay away from her.  A sprinkler then started watering the field, and Akane beat up Ranma for picking on P-Chan.

                Akane is unaware that P-Chan is really Ryoga, so Ranma promised Ryoga that he wouldn't blow his secret on the Warrior's Code.
                Ryoga still dislikes Ranma, but he is courteous and polite to Akane, and often ends up in storylines fighting alongside Ranma.  Ryoga would eventually learn a technique of his own from Cologne, the deadly Breaking Point technique, Bakusai Tenketsu.
Back to the Don....Where on earth am I now?