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The Ones that Got Away

Former Blueshirts

Blueshirts has been around since 1998, and since then we've amassed quite a few Blueshirts. It's hard work trying to keep an eye on the schedules and news, so I've made the executive decision to remove some of them off the list. Reasons given below. Sorry guys!

Evicted 22nd July 2001

  • Alan Davies
    Removed after doing a really atrocious gig in Cambridge which the Tailors paid good money for.
  • Cary Elwes
    He's more or less turned American now!
  • John Hannah
    Srah's site is sufficient enough.
  • Oliver Milburn
    We've heard nowt about him recently, and so he's been archived.
  • Nathaniel Parker
    Again, not much has been happening with Nat.
  • Clive Robertson
    Now that Sunset Beach has disappeared from the UK schedules, we just don't see enough of him.
  • Benedict Taylor
    As my first crush I'm always going to have a soft spot for Ben, but he just hasn't been up to much lately.

Evicted 8 Janary 2003

  • Richard E. Grant
    REG has been with us for a while but his truly awful Argos adverts have consigned him to the archive.
  • Hugh Laurie
    Lovely, lovely Hugh will always be a sweetie, but I'm sick of pointing out Stuart Little is on various cable channels all the time!
  • Johnny Vaughan
    Dear John, it was lovely when you were waking us up in the morning, but we feel the magic's died. Sniffle.
  • Steven Waddington
    He was great as Ivanhoe, but hasn't been around much since. Come on Steve, show us some more muscly period drama!
  • Sam West
    He seems to be a full-time theatre luvvie now which, though admirable, isn't very globally accessible in the same way as TV or film.

Break Rules #1 and #2: Not Blueshirt material

Blueshirts takes alot of managing, so the tailors reckon they have the right to decide who they spend their lunchtimes and spare time slaving over (or indeed slathering over!) If you violently disagree, why not set up a website yourself? It really is pretty easy. Try Fortunecity for free web space.

Break Rule #3: Too popular

One of the nobler aims of Blueshirts was to publicize Brits who we thought had been overlooked. The following were too darn popular to be featured, even though we would have loved to! We've added links to a website lists/websites, but for a comprehensive list you'll have to go a-hunting yourselves.

Break Rule #4: Not a Brit

There was much gnashing of teeth on having to omit screen gods like David Duchovny and John Cusack, but we have to draw the line somewhere! (BTW, the tailors reserve the right to bend the rules massively for people they fancy!)

Where else can you look?

Still can't find that obscure British actor? Well, check out the superb Internet Movie Database, Yahoo! directory of Actors and Actresses or try a search engine such as Google.

There are some fantastic links sites out there which just might have a link to the actor of your dreams - check out, United Kingdom Actors Appreciation Society and LionHearts - the fanlisting for English men for more sites.

Also, why not check out UK Television Adverts to find out who those voiceover artists really are.

The sum total of the tailors' knowledge on non-BluShers is contained on this page. Therefore please don't mail us asking if we know of any other sites, as we don't!