Tank Inhabitants

The Far Side cartoon - copyright Gary Larsen 6 clown loaches, Botia macracanthus

13 rummy-nosed tetras, Petitella georgiae, Hemigrammus bleheri, Hemigrammus rhodostomus

7 Siamese algae eaters, Crossocheilus siamensis

1 bristlenose pleco, Ancistrus temminckii (moved to 29 gallon tank)

8 otocinclus catfish, Otocinclus affinis (?)

11 diamond tetras, Moenkhausia pittieri (only two left; the rest died during a terrible summer heat wave)

1 Chinese algae eater, Gyrinocheilus aymonieri

unknown number of Amano shrimp (started with 10; there are more now), Caridina japonica

1 freshwater mussel (deceased; perished during a heat wave)

4 dwarf neon rainbows, Melanotaenia praecox

1 bluefin killiefish, Lucania goodei

9 cherry barbs, Punitus titteya (not sure how many of these are left; many died during the heat wave)

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