29 gallon tank, May 26, 2002
29 gallon tank, July 24, 2002. (It's become a sort of grow-out tank)
75 gallon tank, July 24, 2002 - really big photo!
75 gallon tank, September 4, 2002
75 gallon tank, March 25, 2003
A bamboo shrimp surrounded by SAEs.
Closeup views of a bamboo shrimp, its "fans" spread
Side view of a bamboo shrimp. If you look closely, you can see where something - probably a clown loach - took a bite out its exoskeleton, right where the body joins the tail.
Cherry barb, one male, one female
Mystery snail with a neon tetra.
A clown loach and an Amano shrimp sharing an algae wafer.
Bristlenose pl*co and SAEs fight over an algae wafer.
Freshwater crayfish at the London Aquarium.
Other People's Tanks
A planted tank from the London Aquarium.
Another planted tank from the London Aquarium.
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