
Tank: 75 gallon All-Glass (economy)

Lights: 250 watts total
[130 watt power compact flourescent Custom Sealife Britelite light strip (2x65, 10,000K daylight bulbs), 120 watt power compact flourescent All-Glass light strip (2x55, 9325� Kelvin "Super Daylight" bulbs)]

Filter: Eheim Pro II 2028

Other equipment: Seachem Double Helix UV sterilizer (18 watts), 2 Penguin 660R powerheads (one running the UV sterilizer, one providing circulation in the tank)

Substrate: 105 pounds (49 kg) Seachem Onyx Sand

CO2: Carbo-Plus

Fertilizer: Tropica Master Grow (1 tsp. a day), Flourish Tabs once or twice a month

Decorations: 4 large pieces driftwood, Penn Plax "Deep Midnight Blue" backing (black side), Miracle Beam lights (mainly for nighttime fish-watching)

Camera: Sony Mavica MVC-CD300

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