C.rap I. W.rote


Well this is really self indulgence.. Stuff I just though I'd put on the page to give it a bit of my personality.. Basically a list of my mediocer scriptings.. Used as therapy more than anything.. A Hobby not a profession.. Criticism welcom.


A Nightmare on Friday the 13th

(this is basicallty my way of paying homage to 3 film sagas that originally attracted me to the GENRE. Evil Dead, F13th and ANOES.)

Voluntary Euthanasia

(Coming Soon)

Brisbane Clanz

(Coming Soon)

Neighbourhood Watch

(Coming soon)

Killer Soundtrack *

(Coming Soon)

I Got ID *

(Coming Soon)

The Story *

(coming soon)

The Hero*

(coming soon)

* all part of the same series.. Crackers Junction series..


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