American Psycho


20th of April 2000

Here is a new American Psycho Poster, like the other poster they have gone for the reflection motif, but this time Bale is also in the picture. The slogan, "KILLER LOOKS" I know the poster is old I'm just late getting onto it. (HFA NEWS)

14th of April 2000

A couple of reviews for American Psycho appeared on DH today. HERE, HERE and HERE. (DH) (HFA NEWS)

12th of April 2000

Huey Lewis has asked that his song "Hip to be Square" is taken off the soundtrack to "American Psycho", because him and management believed the film to be too violent. (RS) (HFA NEWS)
7th of April 2000

A negative review of "American Psycho" popped up on DH. (DH) (HFA NEWS)
24th of March 2000

23rd of March 2000

New Screenshots from AMERICAN PSYCHO. (CSO) (HFA NEWS)
14th of March 2000

New clips from American Psycho in Real Media format Clip #1 and Clip #2 . (DH) (HFA NEWS)

12th of March 2000

Upcoming Horror has posted a bunch of SCANS from this months fangoria. They include picture from

1st of March 2000

Lions Gate have gone for the profit and trimmed American Psycho from a US Nc17 to a R rating. Stating "Though we were reluctant to make any changes to Mary's original cut of the film, we are pleased we were able to trim the scene only slightly yet still maintain its integrity." (CSO) Also on DH there is news of the internet Campaign to Go with the show.
The psychotic Patrick Bateman is about to make a comeback it seems, and I don't mean in just live-action. Lions Gate Films and Pseudo.Com are set begin a month-long Internet campaign for the movie with the highlight being "Am. Psycho 2000", a continuation of the novel created specifically for the Net and supervised by AP author himself Bret Easton Elis. These additions will take on the form of several e-mails from the Patrick Bateman character and will be released in a kind of 'serial sequel' form on different dates, along with streaming video from the movie ranging from outtakes to cut footage deemed to controversial to make the final print. Those interested can register for free on the American Psycho official site. (DH) (HFA NEWS)
21st of Feb 2000

American Psycho, so what is becoming of those scenes cut in the US version.. Well not much, the film will only be slightly cut according to a DH correspondent.
"So what's cut? The part of the word "hole" from asshole, from when Patrick tells one of the prostitutes to "get on your knees, Christie, so Sabrina can see your ass____."; A second or two of the two prostitutes simulating oral sex on Patrick - you never really saw anything anyway, it was just a shot of their heads bobbing above Patrick's crotch; And they dropped frame on one scene where you used to see Patrick's and Chrities hips bumping, now it's cut just above the waist.
That's pretty much it, the scene still rocks - I really love the shots of Patrick flexing his muscles to himself in the mirror as he is doing the girl's double doggie style. The whole scene is cut to that 'Susudio' song and it's just terrific, it really does a great job of showing the process of self delusion that dominated the 80's." (DH) (HFA NEWS)
20th of Feb 2000

New shots from "American Psycho" have begun popping up on the Internet. They are available at "Entertainment Weekly". (DH) (HFA NEWS)

13th of February 2000

American Psycho is getting more than its share of free publicity from the morality merchants. Now in Canada it seems the ratings board is going to let the film through as an R rated film while still including the sex scenes. Meanwhile in the USA Jack Thompson the lawyer who took the Basketball Diaries to court after a recent school shooting. Thompson is threatening to take Lionsgate and the MPAA to court if the film is not given an NC17 rating (higher than R in the USA), on the proviso that a person under 17 watches the film and than goes into psycho killer mode. Okay so any kids out there Jack Thompson has just offered you an invitation to slaughter as many folks as you like once you have seen "American Psycho", he has just given you a scapegoat. Opportunities like this don't come around every single day. But really when are lawyers and journalists going to realise that media effects were simply thought up to sell advertising time on Commercial networks, and its a simple fact of life that people kill people. It happened way before TV and movies and it will continue to happen whether or not this film is released R rated or NC 17. Geez, that's my cow for the week honest. (DH) (HFA NEWS)

 12th of February 2000

The trailer for American Psycho is up click here for it (plug in required). The soundtrack list for the film has also been released. Some 80s classics in there, definite PSYCHOTIC music.

1. Introductory monologue w/ Score - Bateman & John Cale
2. You Spin Me Round - Dope
3. Watching Me Fall -The Cure (remix by Underdog from Massive Attack)
4. Something In The Air (American Psycho Remix) - David Bowie
5. Trouble - Daniel Ash with Adrian Utley of Portishead
6. Who Feels It Knows It (Remix) - The Tom Tom Club
7. American Psycho - Coldcut
8. Monologue w/ Score - Bateman and John Cale
9. True Faith - New Order
10. Pump Up The Volume - MARRS
11. I Wanna Know (What You're Thinking) - Information Society
12. Paid In Full (Coldcut Remix) - Eric B. & Rakim
13. Hip 2 Be Square - Huey Lewis & The News
14. Closing monologue with Score - Bateman and John Cale

February 4th 2000

Lions Get Films has decide to cut their film "American Psycho" down from an NC 17 rating to as R rating in the US. It'll only mean a few seconds, but it was something that they originally were not going to do.  So the prostitute scene will be cut down for the cinematic release in the US. (CSO) (HFA NEWS)
26th of January 2000

Trailer/ sneak peek at "American Psycho" has finally arrived at the official site for the film. Clcik here for it. It is a Real Media file. There is also a review on the DH site, which is very positive. (DH) (HFA NEWS)
 18th of January 2000


The official site for "American Psycho" has opened up with the brilliant poster as one of its delectable delights. The film has been slapped with an NC 17 in the USA by the MPAA and will premiere at the SUNDANCE FILM FEST. The harsh rating is baased on a a threesome in the film between Patrick Bateman (Christian Bale) and two prostitutes (Cara Seymour & Krista Sutton). The scene is included to show as "The scene is not about sex, but about sex as a transaction so we made it deliberately banal and distant...his (Bateman) expression sums up his frighteningly detached relationship to the world around him." Sounds kind of Zen like in a a Banal and Distant way.. But I guess that would have been lost if he just threw money at 2 half naked girls and lit up a cigarette as they walked out. OR would it.. ?? The MPAA must think the director is a dirty old perv.. Just kidding. Nah Mary Harron (I Shot Andy Warhol) has her head on straight, once again the MPAA are wrong.. (DH) (HFA NEWS)

 5th of November 1999.

The first picture from "American Pscyho" have appeared on Darkhorizons. (DH) they are both of Christian Bale the star of the film.


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