Arach Attack


 4th of June 2000

 Arac Attack a film about killer spiders could start shooting in Australia within the next 3 months. Locations in Queensland, Australia and New Zealand have been sought with the chance of using locations in New Zealand. The director is a New Zealander. (DH) (HFA NEWS)
31st of March 2000

Arach Attack, is the name of a Centropolis/Village Roadshow, co-production. It's all about GIANT SPIDERS that start appearing after a toxic spill (scientifically for this to occur the spider must get some lungs, as Spiders breathe through their skin, hence spray will kill them). The film will have a budget of 30 million and will be shot in AUSTRALIA. The film will begin shooting in September under the direction of Elloroy Elkayem (They Nest). Devlin and Emmerich will produce, whilst centropolis effects will handle the effects. (CSO) (HFA NEWS)

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