

24th of May 2000

"Bruiser" is still in search of a US distributor, and Romero feels that it will have a better chance at getting a limited theatrical run than of going wide. "I don't know if anyone will ever show this movie." He says, but goes on to add "It will probably make its money in video. That stuff seems to have a shelf life." There is a 7meg promo now available HERE, and a teaser trailer available that is 22meg HERE. (UPC) (HFA NEWS)
 22nd of September 99

 The Misfits will be providing a song for George Romero's next film, "Bruiser" according to Dr Casey. On the flipside Romero will be directing a film clip for the Misfits, the bands big hits so far would be "Fiend Without a Face" (no not the 50s sci fi film) and "If Looks Could Kill".. (DRC)
 14th of July 1999.

George Romero is coming back after the the "Resident Evil" fall down. His new film is going to be an independent filmm called "Bruiser" about a guy that wakes up to find his FACE is missing. So nowhe intends to get his revenge on all those people that havbe pissed him off.. His back-stabbing friedn (Andrew Tarbet) is in for some as is his adulterous wife (Leslie Mann) and Grumpy Boss (Peter Stormare). The film is expected to releases early next year. Hang in there Romero fans. (DH)

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