CGI Frankenstein


29th of Aprill 2000

The CG Frankenstein Project.. That was abandoned.. Is still in that stage, but the test footage has turned up at AICN. There was 17 seconds of footage created and it is available for your viewing pleasure. econo size, 1.3meg, and large 7.2 meg mov. As Frankenstein is by far my favourite of the Universal classics I was pretty much hanging on it not being made. So I'm releaved in one way. But when you see the footage you will not be able to deny more than a passing resemblance that the monster has to Karloff in the Whale versions of Frankenstein. You'll surely note by the tone used in the AICN article that ILM the creators of the CGI, were not impressed by the shattering of a dream that they had and how it was never to be. (AICN) (HFA NEWS)
 16th of November 99

 ILM has announced some of the best news I have heard in a long while. "Frankenstein CGI" has had the plug pulled. It seems public reaction can make an impact. "The plug was officially pulled by Universal Studios on the fully CG animated Frankenstein feature that ILM had been working on for the past year and a half. This came as a bit of a surprise considering that writer/director Stephen [Sommers], who had such a smash hit this summer with The Mummy for Universal, had been brought in to write a new script for the [Frankenstein] film. His screenplay seemed to infuse the project with new life and there was even talk that [Sommers] might direct.

"ILM had begun to ramp up production and build up the Frankenstein staff again. It was quite a shock for some when the news broke. As many artists as possible will be rolled over into other productions." This appeared on the and (CSO)

 8th of July 1999.

Stephen Sommers (director of THe Mummy and Deep Rising) is beginnign work on a TOP SECRET project for Universal knonw as the CG project. But by all account by guess is that the CGI Frankenstein project. ILM will be creating the FX.

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