Cherry Falls


7th of April 2000

A positive review of "Cherry Falls" is located at DH. (DH) (HFA NEWS)
14th of March 2000

According to darkhorizons CHERRY FALLS has thus far been given a NC-17 rating. Which will most likely mean that the film will go through various re-shoots and editing to bring the rating down a little. This will most likely result in an August release. (DH) (HFA NEWS)
25th of Feb 2000

 There is a review of CHERRY FALLS over at DH but it is filled to the brim with spoilers and is fairly negative. If you still want to check it out CLICK HERE. (DH) (HFA NEWS)
21st of Feb 2000

"Cherry Falls" has been shot at Thomas Jefferson High School. One of the studenst of the high school sent some info into DH, in it was a brief casting description. Michael Biehn plays Sheriff Brent Marken, Brittney Murphy plays his daughter and Jay Mohr is playing the role of a student. (DH) (HFA NEWS)

 8th of February 2000

The soundtrack to Cherry Falls will include the latest in the ballsy ROCK/ PUNK genres, Soulfly, Deftones, SLipknot, Less than Jake, Kitty, Bif Naked, The Band Formerly Known as Good, Half-Past Five, The Derelicts, and Kill Your Idols. The films is scheduled to release on June 9. A preview of the film has landed at HO click HERE.(DH) (HFA NEWS)
14th of January 2000

Cool more fuel to the orgy rumour has appeared on DH about the film "Cherry Falls", the title that is a play on words as many cherrys will fall in this film :). I first heard about the scene a while back and thought it was a joke. However after forwarding it along to Garth he had another scooper also talking about the same scene. Coincidence.. Maybe.. If not.. This film is about to go through the roof HSX wise. The First picture from the film also filtered through DH, it is of actress Britney Murphy. She is either looking for love or way out of the killers clutches. Anyhow if this scene makes it in, not only will it piss off the church, but it could put the film over the 100 million mark, as an orgy is always a good spectacle in any film. Major selling point, even though this will likely be comical. (DH) (HFA NEWS)

13th of January 2000

A trailer for "Cherry Falls" is expected around Easter. (DH) (HFA NEWS)
 15th of December 99

 The Diabolical Dominion has got some new information on the film "Cherry Falls". Geoffrey Wright has that in the characters in the film learn that the killer is stalking virgins, there is a mad rush for everyone in the area to loose there CHERRY (bad pun). I guess we can cue that song by HOLE (Awful), "Swing low sweet Cherry make it awful".. Oops I'm just dwelling on that CHERRY thing, but its so funny. Anyhow, Wright also adds "You wouldn't believe the orgy we filmed at the local hunting lodge." .. See now this film is going to be more pos-constructionist than anything Hollywood could make without outsider help. A slasher film, from the guy that bought you ROMPER STOMPER and METAL SKINS, has no choice but to push the boundaries of good taste and ART. (HFA NEWS)
 October 99

"Cherry Falls" the latest film from Romper Stomper director Geoffrey Wright, is due out in the 2nd week of January.. The film is coming out under ARTISAN and ROGUE.. A trailer is expected soon. A poster will be circulating soon.. And the film is dubbed as ART/HORROR at the moment.. (DH)

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