7th of May 2000

 The official site for DEMONIUM is opening soon . It has been co-written by Ted at the Diabolical Dominion. (DD) (HFA NEWS)
20th of April 2000

What happens when the wife of a brilliant director in the horror new wave, gets together with one of the internet's biggest Horror Fan-boys??

The Answer is.....



The director, Andreas Schnaas (ANTHROPOPHAGOUS 2000). The writers, Sonja Schnaas (the wife) and Ted Geoghegan (DIABOLICAL DOMINION). The trailer has been released. In TEXT FORM. Here it is for your reading pleasure.


-Fade in.

1) A young man lies on a sofa in a psychiatrist's office, speaking to the
doctor. (FROM SCENE 1)
PATIENT. (Offscreen)
They're dead. They died years ago.
Do you think that their deaths have anything
to do with your recent hostility?
PATIENT. (Offscreen)
No. I was never close to them.

-Fade out.

-Slow music begins.

2) An aerial shot of the Berger Castle, ancient and majestic. Narration
In a remote estate, an evil is about to be
unleashed... Far from society.

3) Shot of the freak's chains, hanging from the ceiling of the torture
NARRATION. (Continued)
Far from the boundaries of law...

4) Maria frantically rides away from the castle on her bicycle. (FROM SCENE
NARRATION. (Continued)
And hopelessly far from salvation.

5) Shot of the underground tunnels. A gust of wind blows aside ancient
NARRATION. (Continued)
An evil...

6) Arnold and Anton stand in a complex laboratory. An unconscious woman is
laid out on the table in front of them.
NARRATION. (Continued)
that will change the face of horror forever.

7) Viktor rushes through the castle's front doors, nudging Sabine aside.

8) Rasmus stands in front of Arnold's heirs, reading the last will and
testament. (FROM SCENE 34) The narration begins again.
This Summer, the friends and family of Arnold
Berger will discover that a simple weekend
getaway to claim their inheritance is going to
be a lot harder than they expected... In fact,
it's going to be... murder.

9) Diana's abdomen explodes, showering the dinner table with her internal
organs. (FROM SCENE 29)

-The music shifts to jarring techno/metal.

10) Maria leaps backwards, shrieking. (FROM SCENE 8)

11) Arnold rushes down the hallway, oozing blood everywhere. (FROM SCENE 2)

12) Anton dazedly leaps from his chair, crushing a water glass underfoot as
he runs from the room. (FROM SCENE 45)

13) The freak leaps into a corner and hides behind a wooden rack, trembling
nervously. (FROM SCENE 58)

14) Anton states wrathfully at Arnold, seething with fury.
She's dead, Arnold! We've killed her!!!

15) Arms reach from a darkened doorway, grasping Violetta by the shoulders
and violently yanking her into the darkness. (FROM SCENE 72)

-Fade in on BLACK SCREEN.
From acclaimed director Andreas Schnaas.

16) Helena groggily reaches over the edge of the blood bathtub for a towel,
revealing her back. The skin has been all but stripped from it, exposing her
spinal cord and ribs. (FROM SCENE 39)

17) Blood streaks Rasmus' lips. He tries to kiss Maria, but she turns away.

18) Viktor turns to Nina, smiling.
I should be fine until tomorrow.
One night shouldn't kill me.

19) FLASH CUT TO - (Black & White) A metal hook streaks through the air,
held by an unseen attacker. (AS SEEN IN SCENE 41)

-The music suddenly stops.


-Fade in.

20) Rasmus flashes the camera an evil smile.

-Fade out.

Coming soon.
Bring your bodybag.

Still haven't got the drift as far as the film goes?? Well here is a brief synopsis.... After Arnold Berger is murdered, Rasmus informs Arnold's Heirs of their inheritence. The heirs are Sabine Noak, Diana Sammer, Felix Baumann and Anton Marquardt. What the heirs don't know is, the same murderous fate awaits them at the castle. However the cruelest fate could met by the murderer when the victims return from the dead, to seek revenge.

Ass you can see from the short synopsis, Ted and Sonja really have worked well as a writing team, and if previous writing by Ted and his webpage and horror intelligence (he has a book on the the genre coming soon) are anything to go by this could be one of the greatest films of 2001.

So far attached to the film is Jason Collins from K'n'B Effects, the fx crew behind the bloodbath that was "From Dusk Till Dawn", "in the mouth of madness" and much much more.. Demonium is reported to have more GORE effects shots than Peter Jackson's BRAINDEAD/ DEAD ALIVE.

Lloyd Kaufmann (CEO TROMA) has signed on to do a cameo. The rest of the cast has not been confirmed as of yet, but names that are coming up include, Reggie Bannister (Phantasm), Andrew Divoff (Wishmaster), Debbie Rochon (Tromeo and Juliet) and Will Keenen (Tromeo and Juliet).

The film will be shot on 35mm and will be Andreas first jump into that stock. The filming location is GOSLAR, GERMANY. The film takes place in a massive castle and the location for that is still being scouted.

The official site is opening MAY 10 at .

Andreas's official site is . (HFA NEWS)


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