The Exorcist IV


10th of January 2000

"Exorcist: Dominion" is likely to be directed by Tom McLoughlin at this stage. Main roles ares still in the wings but it is due for a late 2000 release according to D2K. (HFA NEWS)
 6th of November 99

 A prequel to "The Excorcist"? We haven't heard much about it since back in 1997. But according to DrCAsey "Exorcist: Dominion" will be made by MORGAN CREEK productions, who has signed on Tom McLoughlin (Friday the 13th part 6: Jason Lives and Sometime They Come BAck)to direct it. As the prequel it will deal with the character of Father Merrin and the first time he met the devil. Which was in AFRICA. William Wisher (The Thirteenth Warrior) is writing the screenplay. (DRC)
 16th of September 1999.

Critically Acclaimed author William Peter Blatty (The Excorcist) will not be involved in the making of "The Excorcist IV".. But he admitted that there is a fourth in Production.. Blatty hopes it never makes it to the production studio because he got a whiff of it and did not like what he smelt.. The interview in Entertainment Weekly also brought Blatty's take on the latest horror films in which he slammed, "The Haunting". Quote follows..

The necessary distinction is that you can't give the audience junk, such as the recent remake of The Haunting, though notice that filmgoers rushed to it on its opening weekend, before they discovered how dreadfully the film had been executed… I have high hopes that the new Haunting has sounded the death knell for today's surfeit of cheesy, unbelievable special effects, especially the endlessly overdone ‘morph.’ Good movies are built around characters, story and language. Lately, it's been, ‘Here are these effects, what kind of story can we build around them?’ (CSO)


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