Godzilla 2000


4th of june 2000


The new poster of from Godzilla 2000 popped up on DH this week. (DH) (HFA NEWS)

10th of March 2000

 GODZILLA 2000 info from CSO's showest coverage..
He's back, he's green, he's a man in a big rubber suit. The Godzilla we all know and love is on his way from Japan. Frank says he smashes buildings, breathes fire (not that white ray thing), and fights with other giant monsters. Who would've guessed? (CSO) (HFA NEWS)
12th of February 2000

 Godzilla 2000 will open in the USA on August 11 on 2000 screens. (CSO) (HFA NEWS)
27th of January 2000

SONY will be distributing "Godzilla 2000" for a theatrical release around the USA. The TOHO made production will run seperate to SONY/CENTROPOLIS versions of te GODZILLA mythos and SONY is making this clear. Godzilla 2000 broke box office records in Japan and although not likely to do the same in the USA, it will undoubtedly be one of the highest grossing foreign films in the USA for this year. Sequences in the film (including the flying saucer trying to devour Godzilla) kept audiences in suspense in Japan. However big budgeted sequels will depend on the way it is recieved in the USA. (CSO) (HFA NEWS)

21st of September 99

The ugly bastard above is what lies in waiting for our hero in "Godzilla 2000". That there is the ALIEN. (CSO)

8th of September 99

Godzilla 2000.. The martians are coming.. Here is a cool new pic of that UFO that GODZILLA will be up against. (CSO) Word is that TOHO will use some Computer animation.. But they will still rely heavily on the amazing man in a suit technologies that have been advanced and successfully trialed at TOHO since the original G film..

4th of September 99

 NEW GODZILLA 2000 trailer.. I S%%T you not.. all those TOHO fans will love this.. 4.1 meg download.. The new trailer combines both the OLD and then NEW..
19th of August 99

For a while there has been talk about UFO's in GODZILLA 2000, well someone has photographed one of them. Okay so I added the caption, I couldn't help myself.. It seemed a funny thing to do at the time.. (CSO)

 31st of July 99


Above is a great shot of work on the latest installment of GODZILLA 2000 from TOHO. It's the man in the suit, on the set messin' with Tokyo's Nuclear power. I love the old ways, they still look to be the best ways. (CSO)

 13th of July 99

 More pic's of the monster of the moment.. Toho's Godzilla 2000. (CSO)

 1st of July 99

 CSO posted a picture of Godzilla 2000 showing the creature free standing and is clearer than previous pictures of the lizard.. Can't wait to see the city modelling and the UFO.

 30th of June 99

 Bits and pieces of "Godzilla 2000" have turned up on CSO.

 24th of June 99

 New Pic's from Godzilla 2000 have appeared at www.monsterzero.org. These are from a production meeting held by TOHO.

 16th of June 99

"Godzilla 2000" will be the first of a trilogy set in a different world unconnected to all other Godzilla films according to TOHO producer Shogo Tomiyama. Whether the 2nd and third of the trilogy are made will be based on the success of 2000. Tsutomu Kitagawa will be wearing the Godzilla suit. (CSO) new Head art c/o http://www.monsterzero.org/index2.html.

12th of June 99

The official "Godzilla 2000 Millenium" site is up (http://www.godzilla.co.jp/) along with a new poster. Now the TEASER trailer has also appeared online. This is tricky to get to if you can't undestand Japanese. Or have a CPU like mine that can't read it. Well the Realplayer version is http://www.toho.co.jp/real/g-2000_28.ram .Okay it goes for 35 seconds and is all in Japanese.. So what.. The pictures are still there. Or you can go to http://www.godzilla.co.jp/godzilla_2000/right_a.html and get the 2.5 meg downloaded mov of the film.. Very cool. I'm not sure how much of the stuff is new but its all official.

19th of May 99

"Godzilla 2000" begins shooting next month under the watchfull eye of TOHO and director Takao Okawara (Godzilla vs. Mothra).
 18th of May 99

 "Godzilla 2000" more info is coming in on this one.. A script has been translated from Japanese.. And it reads in short something like this.. SPOILERs IN RED.. Scientist tries to predict Godzilla attacks (similar to Twister). Godzilla Attacks.. Than some big Rocks come flying out of a mountain, Godzilla breathes on them and the rocks splinter and shard to reveal underneath a UFO.. The UFO relflects Godzillas breather and vibrates it forcing him off shore and into the water.. The UFO crashes scientist have look at the UFO and find no sign of life or a controller. They start proclaiming things like Godzilla could hold the secret to life on earth.. But essentially it just turns into Godzilla V UFO.,.

This is a poster from when it was calle d"Millenium". Available from HERE. A Great Godzilla resource. The top image came from www.monsterzero.org.
 17th of April 1999.

 Here is some news for those who thought the moster looked a little left onf center Newzilla.. Toho have released a design for the next Godzilla film. The film will be titled. "Godzilla Millennium".


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