The Green Mile


22 December 99

"The Golden Globes" (or the GORE globes as I call them) have been announced. Although "Sixth Sense" and a whole bunch of other Horror films didn't not get the huge recognitions they desrve there are some categories in which Horror is nominated.

BEST SCREENPLAY (nominated) - Midnight Shylaman for Sixth Sense

BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR (nominated)- Haley Joel Osmont for Sixth Sense (HFA NEWS)

BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR (nominated)- Michael Clarke Duncan for The Green Mile (HFA NEWS)

The Golden Globe nominations have appauled me this year.. "Run Lola Run" has not even made it into the best foreign category. It is hard to imagine Joel as Supporting actor when he really was the STAR.. Anyhow keep tuned to this page for the winners and the horror films that they have done (like I did last years) when the GORE GLOBES ARE ANNOUNCED.


12th of December 99

8th of December 99

The Big White house that will be used in the filming of "The Green Mile" nursing home sequences (IE the sequences that Tom Hanks will be really old in) will be shot at a mansion Moses Cone lived. Moses Cone is the inventor of Denim. AS in the stuff that we make jeans out of. The house was built in the 1898-1905 and is made entirely of denim.. Just kidding.. But I bet the guys and gals that put it together were wearing denim. (DH)
November 30th 99

The official site for "The Green Mile" is now well and trully underway. The above pictures came from there. (DH)


 "The Green Mile" trailer is now easier to donwload. 4.2 meg.
28th of September 99

A trailer for "The Green Mile" has finally popped up.. I think this will be one of the biggere Supernatural hits of the year.. May even rival "The Sicth Sense".. Although this will be more subtle. 4.2 meg mov.. from the OFFCIAL SITE. (DH)


 4th of September 99

A very positive recent screener of "The Green Mile" will run for 3 hours and 1 minute.. The first TEST Audience loved it.. So I guess it will stay at that GUT BUSTING TIME.. Looks like they'll need to allow some time for a toilet break during that film.. I'd suggest you do it.. Hang on there will be no time to do it.. If the film is like the screenplay.. My bladder is gonna just have to wait.
23rd of August 99

New picture from "The Greenmile", this looks to be the final walk of the bloke who has the mouse. (DH)

16th of August 99

 12th of August 99


A new picture from "The Greenmile" appeared on DH today. (DH)

 16th of July 1999.

A poster from "The Green Mile" the lastest adaption of a Stephne King series by Frank Darabont. If you haven't read the screenplay and you have read the books, I suggest you check out the screenplay at (it is brilliant) or in the meantime check out the poster below. Unfortunately because it is a photo I can't make out the tagline. but it'll be out at Christmas.


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