Halloween: Secrets Revealed


20th of May 2000

Another big Halloween 8 rumor has popped up c/o www.upcominghorrormovies.com .
1) We've got new information about the new Halloween. Yesterday I said the title would be Halloween: Secrets Revealed, but now they've simply entitled it Halloween Revealed. Jamie Lee Curtis is close to signing on, and so has Chris Durand, who played Micheal in H20. Some other key plot lines include who the man in the black was all about, why they sent out a copycat to kill everybody in parts 4 through 8, and how Micheal has survived all the incidents in one, and two and how he survived the fire at the end of two. (Because remember it was a copycat in all the other ones)

2) I have noticed that you are posting ALOT of bogus information on your site concerning Halloween 8. I do not want your site or any of your visitors to lose there trust in the information you present. I work in close relations with many of the scipted movies for Trancas Films Inc.

I do not work directly with them I do work with outside projects with producers and production crews. As I can not tell you the all the info I know about H8 I can tell you all of the info I read on your site is not true. The current two strongest scripts going for the movie are the only two choices the office has decided upon. It would have went with one already but decidingly as we all know H20 was rushed out, and if we did a Fall 2000 release then the film would be rushed and would not represent the best sequel to this dieing franchise.

The first script A sequel to the Halloween 6 movie. This script has been floating around since the end of H6 and was to become the H7 movie until Jamie agreed to do the H20 idea with Mr. Akkad. This script goes furthur into the ideas started with H6 and is around the idea H20 never existed. The next script is one that is a sequle to Halloween H20.

The script starts out in the end of H20. As of now there are five ways written to make Michael come back for the next movie out of H20. The best one , and the one I think will be chosen if this script gets the go-ahead is that we Jamie takes off in the Van with Michael and crashes off the side off the hill, she in knocked unconcious and awakes minutes later to see she has dreamed the slicing of Michael's head and to find that Michael has escaped.

These ARE the only scripts currently in the works here at the office and due to other inflimations with legalities and such, the film was pushed back to a 2001 release date. I hope this helps. (UPC) Sounds like they might try to right the many wrongs of H20 in this next film. (HFA NEWS)


17th of May 2000

Upcoming Horror Movies.com is turning into the up to the minute plot leak site for Halloween 8 information. The film can no longer be called H2K for legal reasons but the plot leaks keep on coming. TWO turned up today at UPC.
1. Well I have some H2K news from a source I can't name. Please do not name me either. Well, it's a year after the events in H20 and Laurie left the country happily, after killing Myers. Well, the autopsy says it was a copycat and now the real Myers, who has been recovering in Haddonfield from the burning in '78, heard the news and goes after John and Molly who happen to be in town. A detective is on the case after reading the file.
2. I've got definite news from Miramax headquarters. The new Halloween movie will be titled Halloween: Secrets Revealed, and centers on (yes you guessed it) Laurie Strode. The movie takes place ten years after the events in H20 on Halloween and focuses on the return of Michael Myers. It was a copycat at the end of H20, and the real Micheal Myers has been resting since 1978. The movie traces all accounts from 1 through 8 (except 3) and we will see old faces making cameos, and we even learn about what Laurie's daughter. (UPC)
Of course those who are informed know that in Halloween 6 Laurie's daughter Jamie was killed after giving birth to Steven (Lauries Grandson). However the film H20 made so many loose ends it is doubtfull that the film makers will tie these off. For those who saw the producers cut of Halloween 6, you will know that Laurie's daugher was raped by Michael and was not killed. So it will be interesting to see what version of Jamie's story is taken up. If the later is than perhaps the produces cut will get a commercial release. At least Akkad could make some money that way.. Well that is all of course just my 0.02. (HFA NEWS)
12th of May 2000

H2K will not happen this year due to legal reasons. The next Halloween film will not be produced until 2001. (DH) (HFA NEWS)
10th of May 2000

A scooper at UPC has come back with some more news on H2K.
It's me again, you're source for Halloween 8 goodies! Kent Gleason was able to fax me some pages from his script. I haven't actually spoken with him in a few days so I don't know too much about what's going on with final decisions at the studio. But here is what I got from the first 54 pages of the script.

It's a pretty neet idea so far: The movie opens with a girl walking through the old Myers house. Just as she is about to be stabbed by THE SHAPE someone off stage yells CUT and we learn it was only a movie. Laurie's son, John (Josh Hartnett) is trying to deal with the hospitalization of his mother (although Curtis will not star). A year after the aftermath of H20, John is finally learning to live a normal life with his girlfriend Molly. A big time movie producer arrives and offers John ALLOT of money for the rights to use his mother's name and her story for a Hollywood movie about Michael Myers.

John, feeling this is a good opportunity to cash in on his mother's story, and use the money to continue getting her medical attention, agrees. The story moves to Hollywood where John and Molly sort of act as supervisors on the movie, making sure they get the facts straight. There are characaters in the movie within the movie playing the roles of Dr. Loomis, and Sheriff Braket and allot of funny in-jokes are being added. That's when people start to die by the hands of someone dressed as Michael.

From the script so far, it appears we are to believe right from the start that this is a Michael impostor and not the real thing. My guess is that we will find out that the killer is the same guy playing Michael in the movie within the movie.

Hey, just wanted to let you in on some info I got from one of the writer's who is working on Halloween 8. Kent Gleason, a good friend of mine, is one of the many writer's trying to pump out a workable screenplay for the next instalment. And he tells me things are looking good, and that executive producer Moustapha Akkad has responded positively to his script.

Here's the apparent plot from what Gleason would tell me: A year after H20, a movie is being made in Hollywood about the true story's of Michael Myers. The movie is a telling of all the events from 1978 to 1998. But very soon, as October 31st approaches and production of the film wraps, Michael Myers appears to show the filmmakers how it's done. Gleason says that Jamie Lee Curtis will NOT be returning as believed from earlier rumours. In the script, Laurie Strode was committed to a mental ward after H20, never to be seen or heard of again. And in fact Michael Myers DID die at the end of H20.

The new Michael in Part 8 will be an impostor (like Friday the 13th Part 5). Again, no word as to if this is the official script being chosen, but it is being strongly considered. Don't expect this movie to be released until fall 2001. And to leave you with something extra juicy, Gleason's script is momentarily titled - Halloween: A New Evil.

SPOILER: When word gets out that a Myers impostor is on the loose, John learns that his mother has commited suicide.
IN my opinion the film is paying homage to the recently made Australian horror film. CUT. Who knows, what kind of impact that film will have in the USA. (UPC) (HFA NEWS)

25th of April 2000

 Plot details for H2K Laurie Strode (Jamie Lee Curtis) has been afraid ever since Michael Myers tried to kill her and now she is going through mental help. She eventually falls in love with her doctor, but it's the day before the new millennium and she begins to get threats and people turn up missing. Her son Jon (Josh Hartnett) returns home, but when the clock strikes midnight all hell breaks loose in the final Halloween. (UPC) (HFA NEWS)
27th of Janaury 2000

Kane Hodder has also told SLASHER NEWS of Sean S. Cunningham's aspiration to work on H2K the next installment of the Halloween series. (HFA NEWS)

 27th of December 99

H2K legal battle may begin soon. A writer for Akkad, whom after seeing H20, went home and wrote a treatment (pre-script story) for the sequel. The writers name is C.R. Walsh. The problem is now an ownership battle between Akkad and his writer. The whole interlectual property battles have always been a source of boredome for me. Although I can understand from a writers point of view the pains that must go through someones head when the story. The thing is the writing of a sequel is something that is hard to do, as a writer you must be carefull that all work is solicited.. IE, on this web page in the Crap I Wrote section I have my ideas for Freddy Vs. Jason film called "Nightmare on Friday the 13th".. I've totally copyrighted my concepts (I can't cover the characters), and I got a little worried earlier this year when the Hollywood stock exchange posted a synop for Jason X saying that CRYSTAL LAKE has now become a morbid tourist attraction.. If you read my treatment you will find that it opens on a morbid tour of Crystal Lake. So I can see the pain that C. J. Must be going through. The thing is that you must be carefull with your ideas.. Postying something on the Internet is the fastest way to GLOBALIZE your idea and can hence destroy you as the source of it. Taking an Idea offline and than transplanting it to an online format later may save you some hassle. For more info on H2K scandal click HERE. The argument stems to the fact that C.R. came up with the title Halloween 8 and because of this the film has had a title shift to H2K, amongst other more complex issues. (DH) (HFA NEWS)
17th of September 99

According to H2K's official www.halloweenmovies.com webpage, that H2K may not have Michael in it.. But I'm guessing that it will. The film will be shot in Salt Lake City, and set in Haddonfield, targeted for a Fall 2000 release.. And there are a whole bunch of people writing the film.. Exactly who is not mentioned. Isn't it annoying when an official site is so tongue in cheek.. That was one of the great things about TBWP Net P&A everything was spelt out to you, nothing was hidden except the ending.
4th of September 99

www.upcominghorrormovies.com has scooped out again on H2K..
Their source has confirmed my speculation almost too perfectly.. So I'd be carefull with this rumor. Here is a word for word transcript.

John Carpenter will some what be involved in H2K with good reason. The reason is that he is angry that 'Freddy' and 'Jason' are coming back and it's not hard to figure they copied his idea especially Jason. Freddy Vs. Jason pissed him off. He was even more angry to hear about Jason X, so he is trying to help out H2K succeed.

H2K will be shot in Salt Lake City, Utah where some others were shot and the story line, like previously reported, will go back to Haddonfield. Also Michael was not the person who got his head chopped off in H20 so he will indeed be in H2K. Dr. Loomis's son Xavier will be in this one where he will take the place of his father.

Due to the unexpected competition of 'Jason X' and 'Freddy Vs. Jason' the plot of the movie may slightly be changed. Because of this competition H2K will probably not be the last in the series. Good news though, Jaimie Lee Curtis is expected to return to reprise her roll as Laurie Strode. Also Laurie's son from H20 will be in this one.

There will possibly be clips of the previous sequels in this movie and the old Myer's house will be shown a couple times. Since H20 ignored what was going on in parts 4, 5, and 6 H2K will try to explain it. In one part of the movie Laurie Strode will consider commiting suicide, but the question is will her son stop her in time?

Rick Rosenthal, who helped John Carpenter direct part two might help him agian in H2K. The movie will be produced by Paul Freeman, Executive Produced by Moustapha Akkad and be written by Debra Hill with a expected release date of Fall, 2000. About the H2K title it's what you get when you cross Y2K and H2O. The full title will be Halloween H2K: Evil Never Dies.

 9th of August 99

 The following news appeared on Halloweenmovies.com. It is about the incoming 8th film. It does not give much away. But by the title. Evil Never Dies, we could assume that the film may keep Myers in the public eye, but could also mean that some other kind of Evil will take his place. Back in July after fan feedback remember that 77% of fans wanted Mike back. I'm sure the people selling and making Mike masks want him back to.. I'm also sure that Miramax execs want fans money so they will bring him back:)
Paul Freeman, producer of several films in the HALLOWEEN series, has announced the current working title for the next installment in the HALLOWEEN series is HALLOWEEN H2K - EVIL NEVER DIES. Several writers are currently working on scripting the new movie, which will most likely feature a return to Haddonfield for the storyline. The HALLOWEEN 8 fan feedback that this website recently collected played and will continue to play a large role in the shaping of this new movie. The movie will most likely be shot in Salt Lake City, home of previous sequels. HALLOWEEN H2K, distributed by Dimension Films, is targeted for a Fall, 2000 release. I remember when Wishmaster 2 was Evil Never Dies:)
 2nd of July 1999.

According to www.halloweenmovies.com and a source at DH. "Halloween 8" is in the works and may revert to the original idea of John Carpenter's. That is to make free standing films without the common Michael Myers character. So it will be similar to Season of the Witch. OR they could bring Michael back.. Who knows maybe it wasn't Michael in H20, he wasn't dressed the same and he didn't move the same.. Maybe Michael was really like Jason in Friday the 13th 5?? Who knows. Halloween movies.com has provided a discussion page on the topic at HERE. (DH)

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