

4th of June 2000

Cult director Spike Jonze will have a small role in "Hannibal" as a redneck hunter who is killed by Hannibal. (DH) News from the set and an actor working on the film talking about the atmosphere. "They're really going for this spooky, kind of surreal ambiance, and the lighting shows that. It's taking them a long time to light each scene, because Ridley and (director of photography John Mathieson) are really particular about what they want. I think it's all going to be a little more theatrical, more of a horror movie than Jonathan Demme's movie. Where that was a thriller, Ridley is really putting emphasis on the spooky aspect" (HFA NEWS)
17th of May 2000

The people of Florence in Italy are concerned about the violence in the upcoming film HANNIBAL and the use of their city as a background for the horror. A local paper was quoted as saying "I'm not sure how people will react when they see these Renaissance streets as the background to a horror story." . I find it funny that ITALY of all places is opposed to HORROR of all genres, espeacially seeing many of the greatest horror directors stem from that country. (DD) (HFA NEWS)
15th of May 2000

More still from the set of HANNIBAL are turning up on DH. Above is a nice one of Anthony, looking around for something to eat. (DH) (HFA NEWS)

12th of May 2000

A few pictures from the set of HANNIBAL have popped up on UK site POPCORN. They include one which has Hopkins in it. (DH) (HFA NEWS)

10th of May 2000

Interviews with the cast of HANNIBAL can be found here. (DH) (HFA NEWS)
6th of May 2000

Hannibal will be released exactly a decade after SILENCE OF THE LAMBS, on Valentines Day 2001. Filming starts in a 1 week, but there is already a streaming TEASER on the official site. MGM may have a winner on their hands here. (DH) (HFA NEWS)


4th of May 2000

There is a rumor that a teaser for HANNIBAL will be screened in front of "GLADIATOR" which opens in Cinemas in Australia today and in America this weekend. The rumor is for American cinemas, but us Australians can always dream. Hans Zimmer may very well be providing the score for the film. (DD) (HFA NEWS)
25th of April 2000

Ray Liotta is on the verge of signing on for a role in Hannibal. If he does sign he will be playing tyhe role of FBI investigator Thomas Krendler (CSO) (HFA NEWS)
18th of April 2000

The above picture is of Biltmore House (I think it looks more like a palace, but anywho) in Asheville, North Carolina. It is said to be a location for HANNIBAL. (DH) (HFA NEWS)

17th of April 2000

Gary Oldman is in talks to play MASON in HANNIBAL. (RS) (HFA NEWS)
11th of April 2000

Ridley Scott talks about the casting of HANNIBAL, he even hints at Julianne Moore being the better chocie for the role (talk about twist the knife), could this be the film that gives Moore her first Oscar, well she is due: "Anthony [Hopkins] was always keen, but he wanted to see a finished script. That's understandable… Jodie was waffling. She didn't like the arc (author) Thomas Harris had given Clarice. Jodie suggested changing plot points and the ending, so we commissioned that script with the approval of Tom. That was very understanding and co-operative of Tom, considering he'd spent nine years writing the sequel. Eventually, Jodie just said no -- which I suspect is what she had wanted to say from the beginning.", "Jodie was magnificent as the innocent rookie FBI agent Clarice was in Silence, but it's 10 years later, so she can't be innocent for Hannibal. I think Julianne is a better choice for the role as Tom conceived it." (CSO) (HFA NEWS)
23rd of March 2000

A large portion of the film HANNIBAL will be shot in Richmond, Virginia. According to a scooper at CSO. (CSO) (HFA NEWS)
22nd of March 2000

Hannibal details have been posted on Cinescape for those unfamiliair with the book.. For those who have read the book just forget about the last chapter. The synopsis is more of a story overview and does not give away the ending to this Warner Brothers/ Universal Co-Production that will star Julianne Moore as Clarice and Anthony Hopkins as Hannibal. The doctor is now at large in Europe, pursuing his own interests, savoring the scents, the essences of an unguarded world. But FBI agent Clarice Starling has never forgotten her encounters with Dr. Lecter, and the metallic rasp of his seldom-used voice still haunts her dreams.

But Mason Verger remembers Dr. Lecter, too, and is obsessed with revenge. Verger was Dr. Lecter's sixth victim, and, though hideously disfigured, has survived to rule a vast financial empire. Verger soon realizes that in order to draw the doctor out into the open, he must use someone Lecter cannot resist as bait: Clarice Starling. (CSO) (HFA NEWS)


21st of March 2000

A script review for the latest revision of HANNIBAL has popped up over at Darkhorizons. (DH) (HFA NEWS)
17th of Feb 2000

Julianne Moore is pretty confident about getting the role of Clarice in Hannibal. So long Jodie, can't have made a bigger mistake. (CSO) (HFA NEWS)
10th of February 2000

According to Variety Julianne Moore is in final negotiations to take on teh role of Clarice. The Film will have an altered ending to make way for a 4th in the Hannibal series. (DH) (HFA NEWS)
9th of February 2000

The short list for playing Clarice in "Hannibal" now includes Angelina Jolie and Julianna Moore. (CSO) (HFA NEWS)
13th of January 2000

Hilary Swank (Boys Don't Cry, and The Next KArate Kid) has come up in casting suggestions for "Hannibal". Well I'd say this would add a bit of youth to Clarice and Height. There is a script review on Darkhorizons. (DH) (HFA NEWS)
9th of January 2000

 Here are the flock of actresses being considered for the role of Clarice in "Hannibal", according to the London Daily Telegraph. "Helen Hunt, Angelina Jolie, Cate Blanchett, Calista Flockhart and Gillian Anderson". However it is also on the chopping block if no actor can live up to Foster.. My personal pick is Holly Hunter.. But that is just me, she hasn't even been mentioned yet. (D2K) (HFA NEWS)
3rd January 2000

Seems everyone from Dino DeLaurentis to Anthony Hopkins is annoyed at Jodie Foster for pulling out of "Hannibal". The films script was re-written to suit her and just as it was perfect she turned her back on it to direct her own film. The film is still scheduled to beging shooting in the US Spring. (DH) (HFA NEWS)

30th of December 99

Calista Flockhart is also being considered for the role of Clarice in "Hannibal". (DH) (HFA NEWS)
29th of December 99

 According to CNN Jodie Foster is definately out of "Hannibal" at the time the film goes into production, Foster (Clarice) will in fact be directing a Claire Danes film called "Flora Plum". On Cinescape earlier this week it was hinted that if Jodie Foster was to pull out of the role than it could possibly go to Gillian (Scully) Anderson. It will be interesting to see if this film continues to be made now. As Hopkins was not all that keen in doing the film if Foster was not doing it. (CSO/ DH) (HFA NEWS)
18th of December 99

Anthony Hopkins has signed onto "Hannibal" after reading the script.. After a lot of procrastanation that surrounds the film, I'm gald to heaqr that there is finally someting sollid. (HFA NEWS)
30th of November 99

According to an intereview that cinescape has done with Ridley Scott on Hannibal... Well so far the final draft of the script is due on his desk later this week and the filming will start mid march. Maybe.. The ending will be changed because Ridley Scott was clearly not up to the challenge.(CSO) I dunno about everyone else but the rumours and talk about this film have been around long before the book even hit the shelves. It's really making the film look cheap IMHO. I'd hate the script to be changed from that of the book to suit an actor that is in it. Basically the idea that Scott will be changing the ending to this film to suit something he finds "a little hard to swallow" is wrong.. As a director he should make the audience swallow the ending to the book. Espeacially if the reader of the book can believe what becomes of Hannibal and Clarice. I can see it happening.. Sorry to talk in clues and riddles.. But I like the ending of the book. I think it adds some purity to the character of Clarice and a kind of insanity and change that she goes through.. Sorry just babbling now:).
25th of November 99

A tipster at Cinescape online got some news on the advancement of Hannibal. "Ciao, my name is Matteo, and I'm writing from Florence, Italy. During the same days my city hosted Clinton and other big heads of state, we got a visit from someone more important. Ridley Scott was in town! Along with producer Dino de Laurentiis, he scouted various locations for the movie Hannibal. I haven't read the book, so I don't know the location he was looking for, but the interview I watched was clearly taken close by a balcony of Palazzo Vecchio. De Laurentiis announced that ALL the major players from the first movie will come back (actually, he said "from the second", being the first Manhunter). He also said that this will be the only film to focus directly on Hannibal, while the others blah, blah blah. Then, fortunately, the journalist interviewed Scott, who simply talked on how Harris has lived in Florence for many years - I know for a fact that he attended various times the trial to "the monster of Florence " - and that, to him, the only thing that matters is, and I quote, ‘script,script,script.’" Kind of interesting to see how the film is quickly becoming a bigger mystery every day. How will this film be made? Will it be based on the book? Will Ridley Scott put in some kind of Alien?? (CSO)
6th of November 99

 Righteous comment of the week from an actress goes to "JODIE FOSTER". on "HANNIBAL". , "I’d stand to make more money doing that sequel than I've ever made in my life. But who cares if it betrays Clarice - who is a person, in some strange way to me ... I won't play her with negative attributes she'd never have." (CSO)
29th of September 99

Hopkins will definately be in "Hannibal" directed by Ridley Scott with an ending differeing from the novel. According to CSO.

 3rd of Septemeber 99

The ending to "Hannibal" may not be the same as it is written in the book by Harris.. Instead Harris has come up with a more Hollywoodesque ending for the over the top novel about a man and his dietry intake. (CSO)
 18th of August 99

 Tim Roth has told the Popcorn website that there is no way in the world that he would play the role of "Hannibal". In the upcoming film. (CSO)
 6th of August 99

According to DH if Anthony Hopkins does not take on the role of Hannibal than it could be given to Tim Roth. (DH)
4th of August 1999

Forget all the gossip you have heard about "Hannibal" except for the following. It will be directed by Ridley Scott, and It will be adapted by David Mamet. But Hopkins and Foster have not yet signed. Neither have Woods or Sarah Michelle Gellar.
2nd of August 99

According to Darkhorizons Jodie Foster and Hopkins have both signed on to "Hannibal" officially. (CSO).
 29th of July 1999

 Sarah Michelle Gellar is joining the cast of "Hannibal" (according to DH/CSO). I always wondered what SMG tasted like.. Oops that was in bad taste. That was even worse, that'll leave a bad taste in your mouth that joke. Well I hear Buffy Steaks are selling well. Flame Grilled Buffy Steaks.. Oh bad jokes.. The stand up comics will love this casting decision..
 26th of July 1999.

James Woods will be signing on to "Hannibal" as the character Mason Verger, who is cheesed off at Hannibal because he went and fed his face to a dog.. So Mason in the book intends to kid nap Clarice (Foster) and lure Hannibal to a pack of wild carnivorous pigs. Now from that you can just see that this will not match up to "Silence of the Lambs". (DH)

 10th of June 99

Dino De Laurentis has told USA today, that Jonathon Demme did not pass up on "Hannibal" because it was too violent. Rather he passed on the project becasue he was afraid that he would not be able to better "Silence of the Lamb" which earned 5 Acadmey Awards. De Laurentis is meeting with Ridley Scott in a couple of weeks to discuss casting of the film and organise a script writer. With hopes of having a screenplay as early as October-November with plans to start production in March-April in Y2K. De Laurentis also said that he is still only in negotiations with Scott and Universal Pictures. (CSO)
 9th of June 99

 Scott Frank (Out of Site) might be writing the screenplay for "Hannibal" according to (CSO).
 5th of June 1999

Anthony Hopkins is still dwelling over whether or not to do "Hannibal".. He has said in an interview with CNN's Showbiz today. "It would have to be a really good script to get my interest. I am interested in it, but we'll see" said Hopkins so it seems that the investment will most likely mean that the two leads will see the majrity of the 100 million rumored to be the films budget.. The actors are playing Hard to get.. (CSO)
4th of June 1999

Ridley Scott is in talks to direct the next the sequel to "Silence of the Lambs". The Film Hannibal will be based on the book by Thomas Harris. Dino De Larentis has paid 10 million dollars for the rights to make the film and will co finance the film with Universal. Jodie Foster is waiting to read the script before signing on.. But already the projected production cost of the fill is set to begin at 100 million dollars.
20th of May 99

More news on "Hannibal" is a confirmation that Jonathon Demme has passed on directing the film.. Acoording to "Variety" columnist Michael Flemming, the director has reportedly moved onto something else. (CSO)
 8th of May 1999

 WOW.. Thomas Harris is going to make a killing with the film rights to his book "Hannibal" which will square of his horror trilogy. Dino De Laurnetis is the big contender at the moment with their latest offer of 9 million dollars.. Of course this will follow on from "Silence of the Lambs".. The success of this film will be based on the return of the original cast. Because even if they get a great actor to play Hannibal.. It just won't be the same without Hopkins.. (Dr Casey)
 8th of April 1999.

Hannibal, what a catchy title for the sequel to that catchy film about the man with the same name.. Well Hopkins is out of retirement for the sequel to Silence of the Lambs. But here is where everything goes MUDDY.. MGM is the owner of the original. De Laurentis is the owner of the prequel, after buying it from Warner Brothers to make the film.. There was a prequel to Silence of the Lambs called Red Dragon is the prequel owned by DeLaurentis (made into the film Manhunter), which has the Hannibal character in it.. But not the Clarice Starling (Jodie Foster) character.. So the Bidding war for the WHO HAS THE RIGHT TO MAKE THE FILM is on(WB v DeLaurentis v MGM [who bought out Orion for thie film]).. Jonathan Demme the director of SotL is interested in the sequel, as is Hopkins and Foster.. The book in the Trilogy by Thomas Harris will be a continuation of the quirky relationship between Hannibal Lecter an Clarice.. The Book will be released JUNE 8 with a minimum first run of half a million.. Sure to be a BESTSELLER.. Also a doorstop 600+ pages in this one.. Sorry I'm unable to give an official date for film production but Hollywood is drooling.. I'm guessing the film will be released about the same time as the paperback version of the Book. Meanwhile remake the prequel while Anthony is just hanging around doing nothing.

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