29th of September 99

Australian Box Office
#2 The Haunting (remake), 2million. (first Week)
 9th of August 99

The Haunting proved once again that Special FX are not where the scares are at. It plumeted to 8th position with 6.3 million on the weekend. Taking it's total gross to 77.2 million. Which is less than TBWP. Also the film is yet to make it to its budget. But it will. (DH)
 29th of July 99

Spielberg has POLTERGEISTED "THE HAUNTING". Remember last time Spileberg let some direct a film under his banner that had ghosts in it. Well he has yet again stepped into re-arrange the work and polish up some of Jan's work on "The Haunting". Reported on several pages today including IMDB and CSO is the following... "Spielberg was said to be so dissatisfied by Jan De Bont’s intended first cut of the film that he "loudly berated" the director as well as "ripped him a new anatomy." Meanwhile, Marvin Levy, a D’Works marketing executive told the column, "That doesn't sound like Steven. He doesn't deal with people like that. He has respect for all filmmakers." Levy did reveal though that Spielberg did get involved in reshooting of key scenes as well as recutting others." Well aren't you glad you don't live with him. I'd like to place my bets that Spielberg approached Jan in a condescending way with comments more to the effect of "That's good but.. How about you try it like this...". On Poltergeist.. I know Spielberg helped out Tobe Hooper through a hard time in his life. I was just drawing on the ghost comparison.
29th of July 99

Spielberg has POLTERGEISTED "THE HAUNTING". Remember last time Spileberg let some direct a film under his banner that had ghosts in it. Well he has yet again stepped into re-arrange the work and polish up some of Jan's work on "The Haunting". Reported on several pages today including IMDB and CSO is the following... "Spielberg was said to be so dissatisfied by Jan De Bont’s intended first cut of the film that he "loudly berated" the director as well as "ripped him a new anatomy." Meanwhile, Marvin Levy, a D’Works marketing executive told the column, "That doesn't sound like Steven. He doesn't deal with people like that. He has respect for all filmmakers." Levy did reveal though that Spielberg did get involved in reshooting of key scenes as well as recutting others." Well aren't you glad you don't live with him. I'd like to place my bets that Spielberg approached Jan in a condescending way with comments more to the effect of "That's good but.. How about you try it like this...". On Poltergeist.. I know Spielberg helped out Tobe Hooper through a hard time in his life. I was just drawing on the ghost comparison.
 27th of July 99

The Haunting managed to grab first position on the weekend taking 33 million. But I'm sure the next weekend may drop by more than 50%, I'd guess it might drop 75%.
15th of July 99

 A new poster for "The Haunting" appeared at DH.