Hell Boy

 23rd of December 99

There are some new stuff for "Hellboy" but not the film.. This is the PC/PSX computer game. The screen shots are cool. (CSO) (HFA NEWS)

14th of August 99

Mike Mignola is happy with the work Guillermo Del Toro has done on the adaption of "Hell Boy" and is hoping that a studio will pick it up. Newline has budgeted it at 40 million.. But Del Toro wants 60 million. So the film may yet be made at Universal. (CSO)
5th of June 1999

More on "Hell Boy" Guillermo Del Toro is still in pre-production on the film and will take his RE-budgeted notes to a meeting with Universal in about 2 weeks according to (CSO).
 4th of June 1999

 First pre-production picture for "Hellboy" appeared on (CSO)

 22nd of May 1999.

"Hell Boy" the film being written by Guillermo Del Toro will be wrting a screenplay based on the comic and than producing the film for Lloyd Levin (Event Horizon). Guillermo if you don't remember directed "Mimic". (CSO)

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