I Know What You Did Last Summer 3


21st of Feb 2000

I Know What You Did Last Summer 3, may not be in advanced state yet. Muse Watson (the slicker-man with the hook), says "There has been no talk of a third one coming from anyone who would make it. There has been alot of talk on the net. If they do make one, I would consider it, if Love were willing and they had a good script...There was a story floating around about Love being an attorney in New Orleans and I make her life miserable, by killing her witnesses and making it look like she killed them. I think that one would work". . (DH) (HFA NEWS)
10th of February 2000

I Know What You Did Last Summer 3, is still on the agenda, re-signed are Jennifer Love Hewitt and Muse Watson, Freddie Prinze Jr. is not interested in the project at the moment. (DH) (HFA NEWS)
 14th of June

 "I Know What You Did Last Summer 3" has been cancelled (or at least put on the back burner). Amy Pascal from Columbia Pictures said to Entertainment Weekly "I think (that audience) is very fickle....the studios got very cynical about 'Oh, they love teen horror' and they put too many out. I think we played out this teen horror thing. You can't say 'Here's a genre, exploit it'". Who says you can't do that?? Common Sense?? (DH)
 7th of May 1999.

"I Know What You Did Last Summer 3".. Well it's in the wongs according to Jennifer Love Hewitt the third will round off the series.. And Why not I Still Know, made a fair whack of dosh at the box office. This came from a publicity interview whilst in Britain promoting "I Still Know What You Did Last Summer".. The best horror sequel since I don't know when IMHO.

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