Lost Souls


10th of Match 2000

LOST SOULS info from CSO's Showest coverage..
This Winona Ryder starring "horror-thriller" has been moved around a lot, never seeming to find a permanent home on the release schedule--and it's being moved again. Once supposed to be released last year, it is now slated for a fall release. Never a good sign, the trailer looked "good... okay." (CSO) (HFA NEWS)
15th of December 99

If you were at the film night last night.. You will have heard that Jack Sim is a fan of Winona Ryder (aren't we all), well there are few new sections open on the "Lost Souls" page which contains video clips (confirmation section). http://www.deliverusfromevil.com . is the cute name for the webpage.. The film is based on the work by Poppy. Z. B and is destined to piss off the church and people like William Donahue. Hey the catch phrase is "Over 1000 Excorcisms are performed every year".. Of course this page still has those funky move over command.. Where by moving over the left Frame (you become the anti-chirst), and the eyeball (something about transformation)..(DH) (HFA NEWS)
October 99

"Lost Souls" will be released in February 4 of next year.. But untill than give the poster a once over if you like.

"Lost Souls", a new HIGHER res trailer has appeared at apple.com.. It is way bigger than the last trailer.. It is 8.8 meg. Get it HERE. (DH)

4th of September 99

The US release date of "Lost Souls" has been pushed back from October to sometime in January.. Well it is set in the NEW MILLENIUM.. And the trailer points to that. (CSO)

US- Octber 7th 99
 3rd of Septemeber 99

A trailer for Lost Souls has appeared at the OFFICIAL SITE.. It is approximately a 1.4 meg download. Click here to download the little fellah. Here's something.. An official site that fore warns you that you are about to become the anti christ.. If you do not want to become the antichrist.. For Christsake don;t push the cursor over the blood red stuff on the left hand side.. I did it and my head is still spinning. Now this page is going to upset some religios folk.. It encourages people to go out and get possessed so that they send in photos etc.. Actually come to think of it I wouldn't mind seeing some of those photos. The page gives the stats that The Vatican says their have been seven recorded Excorcisms.. There are 200 excorcisms performed by the catholics church everyyear.. and than it says there are over 1000.. Make up your mind.. The trailer is about 2 mins and brilliant for the short download time.. The movie however just looks like any other excorcism flick.. But this one has a cinema release and an allstar cast. (DH)

10th of June 99

"Lost Souls" is getting an extra three days of shooting after the response at a recnet screening.. It satified horror and film professionals but failed to capture the general audience. The next test screening will be June 26th according to (DH).
 1st of June 1999

Steady my heart the other day we got a review for "Lost Souls" now New Line has released some images from it.. Winona Ryder is the one with doom and gloom look. (DH)

30th of May 1999

REVIEW for LOST SOULS appears on DH.. Positive. It looks to be a gothic masterpiece of ritualisticly macabre horror. New Line will be releasing it this year. Amidst the directors frusturation with the project.


 14th of May 1999.

"Lost Souls" starring Winona Ryder is in a bit of trouble "Test Screening" wise according to Dark Horizons. Director Janusz Kamisnki is expecting at least "3,4,5 or MORE times" the film will be test screened. Also expected are more cuts to reach the October 7 release date of the film.

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