Mad Max 4


20th of December 99

George Miller has told Australian paper "The Age" that MAD MAX 4 will (yet again) be a standalone film. The film is likely to include a lot of progressions that Miller has gone through in the last 5 years. So technically expect there to be some kind of CGI effects in the next film to keep up with the latest in SCI-FI. The concept for the film will be based on an idea that Miller had 12 years ago, which he remembered on a plane trip 3 years ago. Now if the plane trip is what jogged his memory.. REMEMBER part 3 and the reference to the airliner and CAPTAIN WALKER.. Hey Max had to go somewhere at the end of that film.. I'm guessing he went back to the Children of the Crack.. I just hope that it returns to the in your face style of the first two that made it border line horror, based on the FEAR that gangs could get out of control in Australia. (DH) (HFA NEWS)
 18th of August 99

 George Miller has revelaed in a BBC interview that Mel Gibson is interested in MAD MAX 4. He further added, "People have been waiting for Max's return for a long time. It's going to take Max in a new direction." He then adds, "Who'd have thought 20 years ago that people would one day be nostalgic for the apocalypse?", well it better be more in the style of the first 2 or it could spell the end of hearing about the film on this page.:) (CSO)
 15th of May 1999.

"Mad Max 4' could be on the horizon..George Miller told a press con in Canne. Mel Gibson will not be retunring to the roll instead a new Mad Max will be chosen by George Miller.. It is unknown whether Miller will take the film back to the dark depths of the very original.. If he does you'll be sure to hear about it here. The fact that Miller is looking at a numbe of young actors could denote that it will go into a prequel mode and show the life of MAX either before the original or between #1 and #2.. Which could proove to be quite interestiing.

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