Matrix Trilogy

17th of April 2000

Aha, I knew it wasn't final. The Matrix 2 has not signed solidly to be made in Australia. London and Canada are still wanting the production. What next Hollywood. Keeping you posted on the adventures of whether or not will be HFA. (DH) (HFA NEWS)
12th of April 2000

The Matrix has gained another Special Effects award at the BAFTA's (Brit Academy of Film and Television Arts". (CSO) (HFA NEWS)
11th of April 2000

Joe Pantoliano (a regular in Wachowski films) will be returning in THE MATRIX 2, according to what he said toa columinst. (CSO) (HFA NEWS)
6th of April 2000

The ass kicking JET LI (Lethal Weapon 4, Romeo Must Die) is being hunted down by the Wachowskis for a role in the Matrix Sequels. They just have to figure out a way to fit him into the budget (CSO) (HFA NEWS)
3rd of April 2000

What a turn of events.. It seems that after me spewign my guts out about MATRIX trilogy going offshore it (to england) it seems that Joel Silver has changed his mind (I'm sure it had nothign to do with what I said) and they will be shot in Australia at FOX studios. They will begin filming in about a year. (DH) (HFA NEWS)

27th of March 2000

I think I heard amongst all the Oscar stuff one of the Aussie winners mention that THE MATRIX trilogy will not be shot in Australia. I blame the Howard Government and the people that voted for him. The New Tax system will see the production move off shore where they will pay 20% less in TAXES. I knew the GST would do this. This thing will kill cultural film making and any chance of a national cinema in Australia as the price of tickets will rise causing people to go and see less films. Knowing the Australian viewing public, (who average seeing 1 Australian film out of every 100 films they see) will more than likely choose only the blockbusters at the cinema. Will there be exemptions.. Well who knows.. All that I know is, that as a horror fan I'm sure now like Australian cinema, niche marketed and genre based films will have less of a chance of making it to the big screen down here because they will become to much of a risk. I hope July 2000 never comes.
Just my 2cents. (HFA NEWS)
24th of March 2000

Producer Joel Silver has said the following about the MATRIX SEQUELS, ", "Yes, we're going to do Parts 2 and 3 together. We'll start shooting about a year from now and we're essentially going to make one giant movie that will then be cut at a moment of, hopefully, a very exciting cliffhanger. All of the characters will be back, [though] I don't know about Joe Pantoliano's character. He keeps saying he didn't really die, but not in the movie that I saw." (CSO) (HFA NEWS)
27th of Feb 2000

Joel Silver is wanting the sequel to the Matrix to be bigger and better "no matter what the cost". So I guess this is the quickest way to jinx a project. Carrie Ann Moss will only be in a small section of the film as her character will dissapear somewhere into some temporal reality.. Sounds a little complex but hopefully it will all come together. To add to the UK shooting rumours, there are stroy board being drawn showing Zions core which looks a fair bit like Big Ben (no thats not Big Ben Australian Meat Pies, But Big Ben that clock thing) (DH) (HFA NEWS)
21st of January 2000

The Wachowski brothers have given away few things about the 2 sequels which together make up the "MAtrix Trilogy". We'll get to see more of the city of Zion (all very biblical, if your by the rivers of Babylon, and know your psalms), also there will be more on why the humans attacked the machines. The first sequel is due in 2002, and expect it to be stunt heavy as Neo had those superhuman abilities at the end of the first film. (CSO) (HFA NEWS)
20th of December 99

There is a chance of a prequel to "The Matrix". If made, according to producer Joel Silver, it will be anime and will describe how the world changed to the MATRIX. So if you didn't understand the original film than you will get it in lamens terms in the prequel. Don't worry the two sequels are still scheduled to happen. (DH) (HFA NEWS)

 21 July 99

According to CSO "The Matrix" sequels will begin shooting some time next year and will include the actor known as Keanu.. He has been offered a small fortune I'm sure.. The film will again be shot in Australia.
12th of July 99

According to DH and the Sydney Morning Herald. The sequels to "The Matrix" will again be filmed in Sydney, Australia, at Fox Studios Pyrmont and the CBD. The deal was sealed on Friday and has reportedly cost for both sequels 100 million. Warner Bros. and Village Roadshow will jointly fund the films. The films will be shot back to back with the possibility of their release dates being as little as 3 months apart.
9th of June 99

As for "The Matrix" trilogy.. It seems the planning is all over the place.. It could end up a sequel and a prequel.. OR 2 sequels.. or 2 prequels.. according to (CSO)
 28th of May 1999

 Keanu Reeves has been rumored to be recieving 20 million to do a sequel to "The Matrix".
 14th of May 1999.

The Wachowski Borthers apprently slotted "The Matrix" to be part one of a trilogy.. So it seems we are going to be in for 2 more pictures.. If Warner Bros can afford Keanu and Lawrence and the others..

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