The Mummy 1&2

|HFA trailer review|OFFICIAL|


26th of May 2000

The official site has been updated to accommodate the Mummy Returns. (DH) (HFA NEWS)

22nd of May 2000

"The Mummy 2" will be officially titled, "The Mummy Returns" and is expected to release in November of 2001 ahead of the first LOTR's film. The ealry announcement of the release date gives a lot of studios the time to try and find something they can beat the film with. (CSO) (HFA NEWS)
4th of May 2000

John Hannah recently appeared on an british morning show and was sporting an Errol Flynn type moustache and a sense of humour. He described his character in Mummy 2 as "Shaggy in Scooby Doo.". (DH) (HFA NEWS)
6th of April 2000

According to POPCORN and CSO Oded Fehr is very happy with The Mummy 2 script : , "The script is fantastic. Steve Sommers, who wrote and directed the first one, has come up with an absolutely brilliant story. What I was afraid of was that the sequel was going to be a little bit of a lame story, because it's difficult… How are you going to bring the Mummy back and all the rest of that, but it's not. It's really a very intricate story. It's great. It's very interesting. There's a few new characters in this one, one of 'em a little kid." Shooting begins in May, if you want to hear the above quote click HERE. (CSO) (HFA NEWS)

 NEW PART 2 |HFA trailer review|OFFICIAL|
March 20, 2000

There is a script review for THE MUMMY 2 at the Diabolical Dominion . (D2k) (HFA NEWS)
March 14th 2000

"The Mummy 2". A scoop on set construction popped up on Darkhorizons.
"Construction is starting on the sets at Pinewood. There's an underground labyrinth of store rooms corridors at the British Museum, which will be full of artifacts and a handy sabre that once belonged to Ghengis Khan - Ideal for Brendan Fraser to slay a few Mummy brethern with. There's Fraser's home - Very sub-victorian, full of momentoes - One room is the child's bedroom, with a collapsable section of wall for a kidnap sequence where Fraser and Weisz's child is targetted as a potential sacrifice. There's a resurrection sarcophagus, where Arnold Voosloo will be brought back from the dead yet again, and there's the Lair Of the Princess - Where Imhotep's former squeeze holds court, deep in the old spice docks on the north of the River Thames. A roof top is due to be built at a later stage with a blue-screen cyclorama, because it's said that all of the creatures persuing Weisz and Fraser during this particular moment (trying to save their kid) will all be CGI based. Auditions are currently reaching their climax to find the said child." (DH) (HFA NEWS)
29th of February 2000

 Dwayne Johnson has been offered the part of an evil DEMON in "The Mummy 2". He will play a half man/ half scorpion if he accepts the role. Johnson is better known as THE ROCK. (DH) (HFA NEWS)
25th of Feb 2000

 WWF wrestler known as THE (turn it side ways and stick up your candy a$$) ROCK aka Dwayne Johnson is up for a Han Solo like role in THE MUMMY 2. (UPC) (HFA NEWS)
21st of Feb 2000

Patricia Velazques has signed back on to play the Mummy's lover Anck-Su-Namum again in "The Mummy 2". (DH) (HFA NEWS)
15th of February 2000

Permission has been granted for "The Mummy 2" to film in and around the British Museaum in central London. Casting calls have gone out for a lecture hall scene. Where Rachel Weisz character will be explaining some of the artefacts she has found. Hopefully this will be another sit back relax and eat a bucket of pop-corn whilst the amazing sound and visuals pound you type film, just like the last one. Although not as gothic, thankfully it had style. (DH) (HFA NEWS)
21st of January 2000

"The Mummy 2" is on its way to becoming relaity. Brendon Fraser has signed on for 12.5 million dollars, Rachel Weisz has also resigned, John Hannah is also returning to star in the film as the comic relief as mentioned a few months back.The film is again written by Stephen Somers and follows Fraser and Weisz and their 9 year old child in England. However this doesn't mean that all the filming will be in Londo, Morocco and Egypt are also on the slate. The original Somers MUMMY has taken 400 million dollars making it the 31st Highest grossing of all time. (CSO) (HFA NEWS)
10th of December 99

John Hannah will reprise his role in "The Mummy 2" and will acquire also a pay cheque for 1 million dollars.. So all of Johns friends will no who is good for a loan. I bet when you saw the Herbie remake with Bruce Campbell you didn't think John would be taking home huge pay cheques after. (CSO)

 NEW PART 2 |HFA trailer review|OFFICIAL|
8th of September

#15 The Mummy, took 50 thousand, down 43 %, total takings of 18 million. (Australia)
 1st of September 99

Australian Box office.
 #11 The Mummy, 83 thousand, total of 17.9 million.
28th of August 99

 Stephen Somers on The Mummy 2, "I'm writing away. Our intention is to try to make it as good, if not better, than the first one. Not necessarily bigger -- just better. I think The Mummy worked so well mainly because of its character. The special effects were fantastic. I've got to come up with a whole new set, not rely on old tricks." what about a catchy title? "I've been working on it for a couple months. I'm just calling it Mummy 2 right now. I actually haven't gotten to (a title yet). I like when people give them to me -- like The Jungle Book, Huck Finn and The Mummy."
 25th of August 99

 Australian Box office, #12 "The Mummy" , 112,252, total taking 17.8 million, down 44%.
 24th of August 99

 Will Ardeth Bay be in "The Mummy 2", actor Oded Fehr who played Ardeth thinks so.. "That scene at the end [of The Mummy] was not there when we first filmed it. During the filming in Morocco, Stephen [Sommers, the film’s director]… decided to change it and add that scene at the end. And I think it was just in case there might be a Mummy 2." (CSO)
 19th of August 99

 #10 The Mummy, 201,356 down 49%, in 102 cinemas, takings in 8 weeks = 17.6 million
 10th of August 99

 "The Mummy" came in at #6. on the Australian Box office 390 thousand. It has taken 17 million so far in Australia
 30th of July 99

 Sommers will be directing "The Mummy 2". He will start in the Summer of y2k with hopes of release in 2001. Only a portion of the script will happen in London, with the majority being shot around the NILE and Egypt and Nubian Deserts. (CSO).

AUS- 17th of June 99
|HFA trailer review|OFFICIAL|
 8th of July 99

 Sommers has said of the sequel to "The Mummy" (Mummy was #1 for the second week in a row in Australia, it has taken 9.3 million all up with 2.6 last week), "It wouldn’t be until two or three years – it’s going to take a long time. They’re big movies and we would want to do it right. If we do a sequel, it has to be as good or better than the original. The studio is right behind us. We don’t want to crank out a lame ass sequel. We really want to do something great and take things to the whole next generation of special effects." this was in an interview with Eon. (CSO)
 5th of July 99

 Incidently, "The Mummy" won at the box office in Australia during it's second week. Puching Austin powers, Star Wars and Notting Hill from the top spots. It gained 1st position after being put in the smaller cinemas at Multiplexes, with piss weak sound, now tell me that horror is dead again. The First week "The Mummy" entered at 3th on advanced screening tickets alone. Note: School holidays in Australia currently.
 23rd of June 99

 "The Mummy" will release on DVD on September 28 in the US with a fist full of bonuses.. Including, deleted scenes, an alternate musical score, audio commentary from Sommers and Ducsay, theatrical trailers and a documentary called "Building a Better Mummy". The DVD rom also contains a whole bunch of stuff on multimedai Egypt and film stuff.. The VHS also releases in W/S and Pan and Scan. (CSO)
 2nd of June 99

 Box office for the weekend in the US reveals that "The Mummy" still managed to take in a further 12.7 million dollars and take out 3rd postion. While the newly opening "The 13th Floor" managed to take 4.3 million and 5th position.(CSO)
 26th of May 99

 TBS and TNT have purchased first Cable screening rights to "The Mummy" which Universal proudly announced passed the 100 million dollar mark on the weekend. (IMDB)
 25th of May 99

 While a huge Star Wars film opened in the US over the weeked taking 102 million. One film that had kept the #1 position warm for the last couple of weeks still managed to make 13.1 million dollars.. Congratulations "The Mummy" once again. Holding strong at #2. (IMDB)
 20th of May 99

 More solid talk on "The Mummy 2" appeared on Cinescape.. The statement was a more of a brief plot outline. "We see the sequel as The Mummy goes to London. He's shipped to the British museum and he suddenly wakes up again." this comes from the co-producer of the film Jim Jacks. (CSO)
 18th of May 99

 The Mummy took 25.5 million ovewr the weekend taking its total gross so far over 2 weeks to 80 million bucks. Not bad for HORROR film.
 12th of May 1999

 As quickly as "The Mummy" made money.. Well it seems there is already talks about the sequel at Universal.. Fraser will be paid 10 million this time around.. And the setting for the sequel will not be anywhere near sand.. The talk is LONDON will be the ressurection point for "The Mummy 2".. This reminds me of "The Legend of The Mummy" with Louis Gosset Jr... Will it be a reconstruction of pyramidic sites in London that conjures the zombie.. Time will tell.
 10th of May

"The Mummy" has officially opened with 44.7 million this weekend.. Making it the third biggest opening by a Universal film (Behind JP and JP2). Yes that is bigger than the openings this time in previos years according to Darkhorizons.. (Twister took 41 million, Deep Impact 41.1).. HOORAH slasher cinema horror is dead... LONG LIVE ZOMBIE CINEMA HORROR!!
9th of May

"The Mummy" did better than I would have ever expected.. It is likely to be the 7th biggest opening of a Motion Picture ever. It has taken 14.97 million on Friday just passed. The reviews that are coming in a majority positive. It is set to beat "The Matrix" as the biggest opening of the year (unfortunately the George Lucas film will most likely beat this again soon). Is this due to the apt release of "The Mummy" on mothers day?? Or have cinema audiences turned full circle on ACTION and are looking back for ADVENTURE.. This is not the same vain of the Karloff Gothic Romance.. But more the Indiana Jones type tale. (More the style you would mix with Bram Stokers Mummy novel.) Sorry I can not tell Aussie's when the film releases here.. Because I'm not sure yet.. Here are a couple more pictures to wet your appetite (From Darkhorizons).. Also available is "The Mummy" trailer at the Trailer park.

8th of May 1999

ON another note.. It's mothers day this weekend.. SO if you are in the USA you can take her along and see the "The Mummy" as directed by Stephen Sommers (Deep Rising).
 5th of May 1999

 "The Mummy" passed through a bunch of hands before becoming the PG film that it is today. The version I am referring to is the one Universal will release this week.. It passed through Clive Barker, who wrote a real gorey version.. Joe Dante had the gothic romance intertwined with too many scares.. George Romero tried to patch the Dante idea, but creative differences saw that fall apart.. Even Wes Craven was approached to direct it but he to passed on the film. But seven years later it hits the big screen.. Brendon Fraser has confessed to being DEAD for 18 seconds during the shooting of the film.. His character was being lynched and hung, something went wrong and the next thing Fraser remembered was waking up.. He went on to say "I didn't like it, and it hurt." Don't blame him.
 30th of April 1999

 In addition to "The Mummy" Brendon Fraser will also be narrating a documentary for the Discovery channel called "Mummies: The Real Story".. The real story? So are we to believe that the film is lies???? :)

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