13 Ghosts


12th of May 2000

Joel Silver has said the following about the remake of 13 Ghosts.
"We're going to have visual effects no one has seen before. We want to make very scary movies, and we hope to scare the shit out of people." (CSO) (HFA NEWS)
25th of April 2000

Steve Beck is being considered as the director for "13 Ghosts". (DD) (HFA NEWS)
 23rd of March 2000

13 Ghosts sounds like it will be a bit of fun. There is talk of including special scenes that require glasses to see certain things on the screen, like GHOSTS perhaps?? Who knows?? The original was in 3D but it does not look like this one will be. (DH) (HFA NEWS)
16th of March 2000

13 Ghosts to be remade by Castle entertainment. The people whop brought us the recent remake of "House on Haunted Hill" . William Castle's daughter is keen on remaking all of his films. Hey at least we know that she means well and she doesn't have to cough up royalties. I think Terry Castle did a brilliant job with House on Haunted Hill, it was very much in the William Castle spirit. (D2K)

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