Pitch Black 2


 26th of May 2000

 The producer of Pitch Black 2 has said the following about the sequel:
, "We are obviously going to emphasize the character of Riddick (Vin Diesel) and his further adventures as one of the great anti-heroes to come along in a long time. It will not be a return to the planet [of the first movie], with the same animals. It will be an entirely different story, with a different setting and different set of characters."

Beyond that, though, Engleman admits he hasn't worked it all out as yet, but he's open to ideas. He explains, "I'd love to hear from everyone as to what they'd like to see Riddick do next. So much of the popularity of the first movie was based on the fans and their getting behind it, when no one knew who Vin was, or what the show was about." (CSO) (HFA NEWS)

 12th of May 2000

More news on the sequel, "Pitch Black 2" turned up on Cinescape. , Touhy has written a treatment for the potential film, which is likely to be picked up and greenlighted quickly due to the first film's modest success. When this happens, Diesel is expected to return to reprise his role of the nightsighted psycho, Richard Riddick. (CSO) (HFA NEWS)

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