25th of May 2000

 Anyways, I have seen the script for a film called Redrum. I seriously doubt that Jack Nicholson is attatched to the script I read, though they are are mutating faster then the local insects. The draft I read is really, REALLY bad.

It suggests a sequel to The Shining only. The main character's name is Jack, and that's about it. It reads more like a direct-to-video sequel to The Dentist then the next chapter in The Shining. Nothing original here, more like a hodge podge of scenes boosted from a dozen direct-to-video slasher movies. (UPC) (HFA NEWS)

22nd of May 2000

Okay here is something you don't see everyday Jack Nicholson doing a sequel. But he is close to signing on to do REDRUM the sequel to "The Shining". This news comes from Upcoming Horror Movies.
Can't say my name, but I got some major news. Sources close to Jack Nicholson, say he's close to signing on to 'Redrum.' Yep, that's right the sequal to 'The Shining.' The movie takes place in modern day in the summer at the hotel they were watching in the first film. We never knew if Nicholson was dead in the first one, so that's why they're bringing him back. The reason it is not called 'The Shining 2' is because nobody in this movie has the shining, its all about a crazy man still loose since the 70's waiting for his revenge, the man being Jack Nicholson. (UPC) (HFA NEWS)

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