Resident Evil


 24th of May 2000

 Lastly, I've read his "Resident Evil" script. A cross between Romero's own "Dead" films and "The Crazies" with a little "Aliens" thrown in for good measure, the script was fast, action packed, and contained some huge, horrific action sequences. "His script wasn't good, so he was fired," one of the suits said about Romero's dismissal fromt he project. (UPC) (HFA NEWS)
20th of Feb 2000

Resident Evil is definately not a Romero project at the moment as Australian Director Jamie Blanks has taken over. But Romero thought he needed to make it clearer. "Resident Evil was a project with a German company. There are two sides to every coin but I don't think they were into the spirit of the video game and wanted to make it more of a war movie, something heavier than I thought it should be. So I think they just never liked my script. I keep hearing that on the websites it keeps saying that 'Romero is attached' but as far as I know, I'm NOT." (CSO) (HFA NEWS)

 4th of February 2000

Australian director Jamie Blanks has now the honour of being the director of the much passed on "Resident Evil".  The film could go into production by the end of the year. The film is set in the future where all deseases have been cured, it will center around a company called "Umbrella" that invents a disease that is uncurable. They test it on people in the hopes it scares the population into buying their extremely expensive vaccine.  Well it gets out of control and tunrs everyone into bloodthirsty zombies, and the story than follows a group of police trying to bring some order to all of this.  A new script is now in the works. The project just might be made. We need more Zombies Hollywood, for godsakes don't let us down. (D2K) (HFA NEWS)
29th of November 99

News about Resident Evil the movie has popped up on DH. This time it is news of the second draft. The second draft is a lot like the Romeroa Draft which followed the story of Chris Redfield(member of S.T.A.R.S) and Jill Valentine as they kick zombie ass. However in the Romero version teh zombies are invincible and can only be killed through a grizzly kind of Dismemberment. Also, the Romero version is set in a house and both Jill and Chris are attacked all night untill they decide to blow up the Boiler room, so as to take everyone OUT.. The Second draft however, not written by Romero, follows the style of the Living Dead TRilogy. Zombies can be killed by a shot to the head, Chris and Jill search through a mansion blowing up all the zombies until they get to a head Zombie thing and blow it up causing all the other zombies to stop being zombies. Clearly the Romero draft was better than this, and at least sounded scary. (DH)
Octboer 99

"Resident Evil" may become the next Tom Savini project.. The following popped up at his official site.
"Well I spoke again with Capcom on the Resident Evil Project. It seems that they are not pleased with Romero's script (which has been somewhat publicized this summer). Capcom seems to doubt his capabilities on the project. He is still listed as the director, but most of the co-producers and financial supporters I spoke with, are skeptical about Romero sticking with the project.
However, it seems that PR is still pushing the idea of Romero being on consignment as the director. But this is not the strongest of the pitches to investors. This is about all I can get out of Capcom about Romero.

I have the difficult task of making the final decision on whether or not my firm will, invest/work on the project. I must say that this will be a difficult thing for me, yet I have a few months to decide.

Capcom did say that Resident Evil is definitely a go. They have raised more then 25 million for the project (mostly from themselves), and there might be another 15, that I know of, from a third party. Plus whatever my firm will invest.

This reminds me so much of another project I did work on in the late 80’s, and yet the small time director did stay on to do another writers script. The film was a success and it did make me alot of money. But all of these things in the movie business are just a crap shoot". (DH)

 19th of August 99

 Just when you thought that "Resident Evil" was going to remain as just another CPU game.. from the dark depths of RE Online, we here that George Romero will still be directing the film adaption of the game.. However the scribe is now, none other than Andrew Kevin Walker, who has been in the realm of CPU games before remember "Brainscan"? Well his biggest hit was Se7en and 8mm was fairly large, Walker has been fairly busy lately he also adapted Sleepy Hollow for Tim Burton. The star of the film is at the moment being decided but two names have come up, 1 is Dolph Lungren (recently in the Horror film "The Minion") and Bill Pullman (recently in "Lake Placid"). (DH)
 27th of May 1999.

George Romero has been fired from the script writing of "Resident Evil" according to Dark Horizons. Yoshiki Okamara capcom producer fired Romero becasue the script was not good enough. (DH)

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