Sherlock Holmes and the Vengeance of Dracula


8th of April 2000

There has been a shift in production status on "Sherlock Holmes and the Vengeance of Dracula", according to Corona, including the departure of Chris Colombus as the director.
"I've read the script, and it's really very good, combining a mystery and a great character with elements of the supernatural. Kind of like The Mummy with an intellectual edge and the focus on character and plot with special effects present, but taking a backseat. Dracula is a terrifying villain, and Moriarty walks the line between good and evil with his criminal activities tempered by a faint code of honor.

"But I am concerned that it might not be made. Chris Columbus has signed on for the new Harry Potter movie, which leaves SHATVOD without a director. A search for another might begin, but it has been a while since any news of the project came up. They might wait until Columbus is finished, but that would take time, and I fear that Columbia Pictures may lose interest. Last anyone heard, they were looking at an actor who would be perfect for Sherlock Holmes, and preparing to get the ball rolling.

"That's my news, that Columbus is working on something else. It's not unknown, but it is not present on your page. I hope you didn't mind going through several lines of opinion." (COR) (HFA NEWS)

 1st of February 2000

 Cinescape Online have posted a script  review of "Sherlock Holmes Vs. Dracula". The Reviewer is Stax, check it out HERE. (CSO) (HFA NEWS)
 6th of November 1999.

"Sherlock Holmes and the Vengeance of Dracula" well this script has been bought for 700,000 dollars, by Columbia pictures. It is written by newcomer Michael Valle. It is set to be an action adventure in the style of the recent "The MUMMY". (CSO) All I want to know is how are they going to cast his film. It is going to need big gun casting or it will FAIL.

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