The Sixth Day


28th of April 2000

Fans of Arnie have snapped some pictures of him on the set of "The 6th day". (DH) (HFA NEWS)
8th of April 2000

There is a report on Corona about the film "6th Day" starring Arnie.
"The huge water tank is being dismantled on the set at North Shore studios," writes our scooper, filling us in on the latest happenings on the set of the recently re-titled The 6th Day. "There was a nifty piece of second unit photography involving a big water dump from the tank and a bunch of guys in strange looking wetsuits. Tuesday, Arnold S. was on set at the Centennial terminal on the Vancouver docks filming a scene where he talks to himself. He was green-screened in one direction talking to air and then filmed again looking at himself in a monitor. He was carrying on an animated conversation with his 'clone'. He was in good spirits considering the weather (a cold and really windy day) and had his wife Maria and little girl on set with him." ['On Set' is seeing double.] (COR) (HFA NEWS)
10th of March 2000

THE SIXTH DAY info from CSO's Showest coverage..
Arnold's newest vehicle, The Sixth Day, had a trailer. It's the near future, with clones--clones for pets, anyways. But there's some guys cloning special people--the elite of society--unbeknownst to rest of us. Then Arnold somehow accidentally gets cloned and replaced in his family home and the secret is in danger of being leaked out. Frank thought it looked like "Total Recall in the suburbs." Arnold himself put in an appearance. (CSO) (HFA NEWS)

 7th of March 2000

The ARNIE cloning film "The Sixth Day" has had a trailer cut together. According to a scooper at DH the trailer was like this: The Sixth Day: Allow me to describe the trailer from beginning to end. First off, there was what seemed to be a commercial off of a TV. The commercial was talking about how, now you can clone your pets and have your pet back that died. It showed clips of puppies and kittens. Then the screen went black and they showed the movie title, which was, "The Sixth Day", not, "On The Sixth Day." It looked really cool. After that they showed a lot of action, such as gunfire, car chasing, and, running. Then there was a part where Arnold (Adam) was hiding behind something watching a cloned Arnold (Adam) kissing Arnold's character's wife and hugging his child. Then there was a clip of Arnold's mug, looking very mad! After That there was a line when Arnold said, "They cloned the wrong guy". There was hard rock music in the background throughout the preview. At the end it said, "This Fall." I think it looked awesome and it impress everyone in the auditorium watching it for the first time. I loved it! Arnold seemed real excited about it and he will finish filming at the end of this month! How I love ACTION horror-eesque stuff. Anyone thinking this will be more like FACE-OFF than anything else??? (DH) (HFA NEWS)
26th of January 2000

There was an accident on the set of "The Sixth Day" this week. The camera operator and the focus puller, were hit by a car whilst filming an action sequence, where the car went a little to far out of control. The Focus Puller broke his leg, hopefully he will be up and around again soon. (DH) (HFA NEWS)
1st of december 99

Michael Rooker has said the following about the upcoming film "6th Day" that he is working on wiht Arnie. The film is is "set about 20 years in the future. Arnold plays a poor, regular guy who gets in trouble with this huge corporation in the process of trying to change the political and social mores in regards to cloning. They already have cloning centers for your pets. Arnold gets accidentally cloned, then, there are two Arnolds running around, and we've got to figure out which is the clone, and which is the human, and try to retrieve one of them. Neither one of them knows that they're anything but the real McCoy. It gets a little hairy."
 18th of November 99

 Robert Duvall has joined the cast of the film about Arnold Schwartzenegger's CLONE vs himself film, "The Sixth Day" the film will also star Michael Rappaport, Sarah Wynter and one of my fav actors Michael Rooker. (CSO)
 18th of May 1999.

"The Sixth Day".. Seems that Arnie can not stay clear of the Horror thriller genre.. Its about about a man who discovers a clone has replaced him.. It was originally worked on by Joe Dante.. But now John Sayles is re-writing theis film which will be made for aroun 30-40 million dollars.. Or about the equivalent of 120,000,000 hash browns. I don't need to tell you that's alot of potatos.

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