The Skulls

 28th of March 2000

The official site for THE SKULLS is open at and it does not look as gritty as it has been built up to be. A PG can't mean a gritty film, can it?? There are plenty of pictures and things there to browse through.. But it looks like it left the horror boat some where?? (HFA NEWS)

12th of February 2000

Joshua Jackson has spoken out a bit about SKULLS, saying, "It's hard to talk about it, because people think that it's a horror movie when you say the title, The Skulls. But it's more of a psychological thriller. It's set against the backdrop of a secret society at Yale and is based in reality. I thought it was fictitious! The secret society is essentially a high-class fraternity, but instead of being a frat where everyone is getting drunk and partying, these guys are plotting to take over the world!" (CSO) (HFA NEWS)
14th of December

 Trailer for Teen Thriller

"The Skulls"

Starring Joshua Jackson (Urban Legend)(DH) (HFA NEWS)

 14.1 meg mov.
 22nd of September 99

 Early reviews of the script for "Skulls" have been 100% positive according to DH. The film will star Joshua Jackson and Paul Walker and will release next year sometime. (DH)
 5th of June 1999.

The lastest teen horror thriller started shooting in Toronto this week. It is called "THE SKULLS". It's a bout a guy that wants to be popular so he tries to joing a fraternity type thing at colleg called the skulls. The film will be directed by Rob Cohen, who directed Stallone in Daylight... Joshua Jackson (Dawsons's Creek) will be taking the lead roll in this film. With Paul Walker, Hill Harper and Leslie Bob filling out the rest of the main cast. (CSO)

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