St. Francisville Experiment


24th of May 2000

The St Francisville Experiment will be releasing onto video/DVD via TRIMARK soon. According to their website . The website now has a clip to view. (HFA NEWS)

3rd of MArch 2000

The St. Francisville Experiment, is going to lauch it's official site at shortly. The is going to be inspired by BLAIR WITCH according to producer Dana Scanlan. (CSO) (HFA NEWS)
 18th of January 2000

 St. Francisville Experiment has been bought for a low to mid 7 figure sum.. So this could be between 1 million and 5 million.. Who bought it.. TRIMARK.. The film has a been given a fairly large synopsis on Cinescape, which I'm gonna throw up in a second.. Now the thing is the makers are not going to say if the film is real or NOT.. As they did not hire actual actors, instead.. Well read the italic.. ". Francisville’s premise is that four non-actors were locked into the allegedly haunted Lalaurie House in New Orleans. The four people -- a psychic, a ghost hunter, a film student and a historian – were given digital cameras to chronicle the night’s events. The film is said to be a two-hour edit of what happened. The trade also reports that the film’s executive producers, Kushner-Locke, are keeping the film’s producers and director’s names under wraps claiming that "everything is real" in the film.. Who really would have thought that there could be another hand held subgenre-genre based hit.. Well it looks like there will be. (CSO) (HFA NEWS)
7th of January 2000

"St Francisville Experiment" will be a mocumentary about a group of people selected to spend the night in a hanuted house. All of which have paranormal interests, my interest is in how can someone make another scary documentary, that gets a wide cinema release. (UPC) (HFA NEWS)

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