X- The Man With The X-Ray Eyes


 19th of April 2000

 Finally word on X The Man with the X-Ray Eyes, it's a mouth full as far as titles go, but it is the next Tim Burton film. Caroline Thompson (nightmare before Christmas) has written the screenplay and the film will be produced by Lou Arkoff, Ashok Amritraj and David Homerman. It is based on the 1963 Roger Corman film. The original was an interesting film about a Doctor Xavier who put drops in his eyes, which enhanced his visual capabilities. However the doctors life falls apart and he continues to drop the stuff into his eyes until he can see the ends of reality and something else looking back at him. (CSO) (HFA NEWS)
 9th of August 1999.

X- The Man with the X-Ray Eyes, may still be in production by Dreamworks. It will be a remake of the 1963 film (Dreamworks has it in for any film made in 1963 first The Haunting now this :). Tim Burton was originally attached as a director for this project. However Sam Arkoff the producer has not officially announced this. The script was written by Bryan Goluboff (The Basketball Diaries). (DRC)

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