


5th of February 2000

Bai Ling (Anna and the King) has signed on a as a regular character in the TV show "Angel" she will be playing Princess Shiera. Word has it that the character will become a regular, but I guess we'll just have to wait and see. (CSO) (HFA NEWS)
16th of September 99

Pictures from the TV series ANGEL have appeared on CSO. They are all promotional.. Not action but they do look cool. (CSO) Oh there are even a couple of Charisma Carpenter in there.

Accompanying the pictures were these official words from the WB network folks.. Which is a great series run down.. No spoilers..

"A centuries-old vampire cursed with a conscience, Angel (David Boreanaz) has left the small California town of Sunnydale and the only woman he loved to take up residence in the City of Angels. Between pervasive evil and countless temptations lurking beneath the city’s glittery facade, Los Angeles proves to be the ideal address for a fallen vampire looking to save a few lost souls and, in turn, perhaps redeem his own by restoring hope to those locked in a losing battle with their own demons.

"Angel’s solitary existence is disrupted when he crosses paths with another Sunnydale escapee, Cordelia Chase (Charisma Carpenter), who has come to Los Angeles with high hopes of living the glamorous Hollywood dream. A struggling actress who isn’t afraid of anything except someone not recognizing her as the talented soon-to-be star that she is, Cordelia finds L.A. and the path to stardom to be rockier than she anticipated. The two discover that they need each other: she for a protective hand in a dangerous city, and he for someone with a little moxie to keep him afloat.

"They are joined by Doyle (Glenn Quinn), a disreputable spiritual mentor who has been sent by "The Powers That Be," a mysterious and powerful force trying to make things right. A half-human, half-something else altogether whose charge is to keep a balance between good and evil, he will guide Angel on his path to redemption, although he would generally rather be at the racetrack.

"Doyle’s visions provide very little information beyond a name or a face, so it is up to Angel to reach out to people, become involved in their lives to learn how, why and form whom they need saving. No longer can he simply hide in the shadows, Angel needs to connect with people and let them into his heart to show that there’s hope in this world – and hope for him."

 20th of August 99

 There will not be much in the way of CROSSOVER episodes of "Buffy" and "Angel" according Joss Whedon as they are a production nightmare:) (CSO)
 13th of August 99

The character that Elizabeth Rohn will be portraying in "Angel" is that of detective named Kate, and the potential love interest of Angel. (CSO)

7th of August 99

 Angel will begin on October the 5th at 9pm (after Buffy). Whilst the other new WB series
27th of July 99

 Angel series will be set in Hollywood's underbelly.. And has an uncanny resemblance to Buffy in character relation. Angel will fight demons with humna faces, whereas Buffy fights Vampires with human like faces. Angel will have the assistance of a half demon/ half human named Doyle (Glenn Quinn), whereas Buffy had the assistance of a nice old Vampire named Angel. Angel will get introduced to a new lve interest, Buffy will to. Okay so they aren't big things but they are things..
24th of July 99

 Elisabeth Rohm is joining the cast of "Angel" and maybe Angel's love interest is the new series. (CSO)
14th of June 99

Pictures from the new series "ANGEL" have appeared on DH. They are of David Boreanz (Angel), Charism Carpenter (Cordelia) and Glenn Quinn (Doyle).

25th of April

X-Files writer Tim Mnear joins the writing team on "Angel" the Buffy spin off. (CSO)
 23rd of April 99

 More confirmation has appeared on HO about "Angel" the Buffy series spin off.. That confirmation is that is likely to be an Angels' Angels type show.. With Angel becoming a private detective in the same vein as Forever Knight. Welll hopefully all his cases are about people who live in darkness, or he'll get burnt by the sun. I know that was very bad pun. It will be set in LA. City of Angel/s (another bad pun). I'm also guessing that the Hollywood back drop will mean stacks of great one liners about the industry and I'm more than certain what they'll be investigating will be more paranormal than normal. Joss Whedon will keep us guessing till more info arrives. (HO)
 17th of April 1999

 "Angel" this is a spin off of the "Buffy" series, which will see her love interest get his own timeslot. which by the way leaves a big gap in the love interest area for the "Buffy" series.. I hear rumours that Shaun Patrick Flannery (Indy jones chronicles) will be filling that. It will be made for WB. Charisma Carpenter (Cordelia) is also credited in the series so maybe that cahracter will be leaving "Buffy" as well. It is set to be a like Charlie's Angels.. But more Angel's Angels.

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