BUFFY news 2



 20th of Feb 2000

 Now and than a good Buffy trailer goes online.. This is for:
"Buffy: This year's Girl" with the return of evil slayer Eliza Dushku.
1.9 meg mov CLICK HERE. (DH) (HFA NEWS)

 1st of February 2000

 Okay the big thing for "Buffy" fans has got to be the pending relationship building between Tara and Willow. Will there be some same sex relationship in the show or not. Whedon is saying that if there is it won't be just for shock value and promoting the show, it won't be a soap box for same sex rights and if does happen expect a the re-appearance of OZ (willow's X) who will most likely churn the waters and test the relationship between Willow and Tara. For more info check out he OFFICIAL Buffy site. (RS) (HFA NEWS)
14th of December 99

 Trailer for upcoming Buffy Episode



1.7 meg mov

5.6 meg MPG

15th of September 99

On "Buffy".. I managed to catch the GRaduation Day episodes.. And all I can say id the HYP was way to high.. And the Ascention creature thing was by no means worht waiting for.. Ear Shot aired the other night down here.. And well I didn't catch it.
31st of August 99

Mark Blucas (pleasantville) will be playing the Buffy love interest role in the new series. It will be set at college and Buffy's ability and background will be unkown to all. It will be more like changing schools.. Than going into tertiary education. (DH)
 20th of August 99

 There will not be much in the way of CROSSOVER episodes of "Buffy" and "Angel" according Joss Whedon as they are a production nightmare:) (CSO)
 27th of July 99

 Buffy regular villain SPIKE will be appearing in a Buffy/Angel crossover in the next season. From the mouth of JAmes MArsters who plays Spike, "They're going to put me in on episode three of Buffy and also a cross-over with Angel later at 9:00 that night. So, I'm going to come in and screw with Buffy at 8:00 that night and then I'm going to, hopefully, make life miserable for Angel."(CSO).

 24th of July 99

 The Controversial "Earshot" episode of "Buffy" is set to air before the repeat of the season finales for season 4, which will be screened before the start of Season 5. Or in other words, no time soon. (CSO)
 21st of July 99

 "Buffy" the film is in scripting stages according to Corona and Horroronline. The synop so far, 'the current story-line favored has Buffy encountering 'The First', a super-omnipotent enemy who was first glimpsed in the third season of the TV series. In the movie's story-line something is killing off the vampires in Sunnydale - it's The First, and its making room for itself by eliminating all lesser evil and gathering the energy of the Hellmouth. It's up to Buffy and her friends to investigate the vampire threat and stop The First before it can take over the whole town.' . Well this will not on be THE FIRST Buffy tv series based film.. But I also want to question, will this be the first concept, that was FIRSTLY a Movie, than was turned into a tv series, that had the energy again to resurge on to the silverscreen??
 13th of July 99

 "Buffy" fans may want to join in a chat that is being held on AOL this Tuesday 4.30p -5.30p Pacific Time (US). The person that will be chatting is CEO of the WB network Jamie Kellner the guy that pulled the season finale of Buffy. "They the fans deserve to have their concerns addressed personally." So if you are a FAN be sure to BE there. (IMDB)
 18th of June 99

 The "Buffy" finale will finally get it's official TV postponed screenign on July the 13th. The second part of Graduation day was said to be badly timed after recent events in the US and subsequently postponed.
 11th of June 99

 "Buffy" fans astound me. They love Joss so much they have posted downloadable copies of the banned shows. And are now looking to take out a full page advert in VARIETY. The campaign is calle "Stand up for BUFFY". The minimum cost of a FULL PAGE ad in VARIETY is $2,545.oo US. You can pledge money by going to the ABOVE page. You can view the proposed Advert HERE. Even if not making a pledge I encourage you to read the proposed ADVERT if this makes it into VARIETY it will be a talking point for MEDIA studies for many years to come. (HO)
 8th of June 1999

More on that finale for "Buffy". It was mightbe maybe aired on Sunday night in Chicago on WGN. According to Chicago's Tribune. But station manager denied it and said it would not be shown until WB gives the go ahead. (CSO)
 4th of June 1999

 Surprisingly the Banned episode of "Buffy" is available on the internet. I'm not going to give out the URL you can find that yourself as the posting of films in their entirety without approval from the adequate source is morally and legally questionable. However Joss Whedon seems to be on the side of the fans at the moment so I would assume it safe to download and watch.. In related news a Jesuit Priest and teacher John J. Pungente has found it rediculous to blame television for the recent massacre in colorado. He stated in the New York Times "If television was the main reason for the violence in schools, and the massacres, it wouldn't happen once or twice a year. If TV had that kind of impact it would happen every five minutes," (EO).
 2nd of June 1999

 Buffy star Sarah Michelle Gellar has been voted the sexiest woman by FMH readers in the UK. (CSO)
 26th of May 1999

 WB puilled the second part of the Buffy finale off the air.. As they thought it to be far to controversial and in poor taste. Poor taste becasue of what has happened lately in the US.
 20th of May 99

 "Buffy" the series will have some cuts made to its referencing of fire arms in the finale.. As prior news said there would be none.. It seems that the publics morality has been affecting the ratings. (CSO)
 14th of May 1999

"Buffy" details of the last episode have come in along with a picture.. It seems that the Ascension will arise from the Mayor who is turning into a PURE DEMON, Angel is near death Buffy has to defy the Watchers to conquer the DEMON and save the world.. Basic run the mill 2 part Buffy episode written by Joss Whedon. This will be the segway to the series seperation to Angel and Buffy series.

 12th of May 1999

"Buffy" series 3 finale will not be pulled off the air because it has kids at scholl arming themselves.. The 2 part episode of the higher and higher rating series will still be aired.. unless of course someone in the USA listened and believes that Bill Clinton when he tells us not to watch violent TV.. Like it makes us violent watching.. Like hell.. The finale of the Buffy series three will be an cataclysmic "ascension" on gradustion day.. Heck if we had loose gun laws in Australia I'd arm myself in those circumstances given the chance.
 29th of April 1999

 "Buffy" fan news.. SMG will be hosting the season finale of SNL.
 27th of April 1999

 Seth Green was speaking to Hollywood online about the "Buffy" series and whether or not his character Oz the werewolf would be in the next series and he said that from what he has heard he will be back next year. Cordelia (Charisma Carpenter) will be joining the off-shoot program "Angel", as talked about earlier this month. The interview also eluded to the chance of a "Buffy" movie with the actors from the TV show.
 23rd of April 1999

 A "Buffy" episode has been cancelled in respect for the disaster at a Denver high school recently.. In an ironic coincidence scheduled for screening this week in the US was the episode where Buffy and Faith thwart an attempted massacre at Sunnydale high. The episode titled "Earshot" will be replaced with "Bad Girls"
22nd of April 1999

The new love interest on the "Buffy" series has been named.. No not the actor but the character name. That name is Riley Finn. Riley is rumored to be that slayery tpye character.. And has been compared to Clark Kent (Superman), whereas the old love interset Angel is referred to as Bruce Wayne (Batman).
17th of April

 "Angel" this is a spin off of the "Buffy" series, which will see her love interest get his own timeslot. which by the way leaves a big gap in the love interest area for the "Buffy" series.. I hear rumours that Shaun Patrick Flannery (Indy jones chronicles) will be filling that. It will be made for WB. Charisma Carpenter (Cordelia) is also credited in the series so maybe that cahracter will be leaving "Buffy" as well. It is set to be a like Charlie's Angels.. But more Angel's Angels.



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