



8th of March 2000

An episode overview for the HAXAN FILMS/FOX co-production TV-show "FEARSUM" has popped up on CSO.

"In the script, a bunch of twentysomethings run Freakylink, a supernatural Web site that puts the strange and occult things on display, much like any good tabloid would, except the site also helps viewers uncover the mysteries. In the first episode, we are treated to the tracking down of a dead Indian's decapitated head and an "oompah-loompah German dwarf", according to the script."

"Derek, The Hero, is a skateboarding entrepreneur who likes to say things to girls like, 'Now I've gone and done it. I've accidentally hit the bitch button.' Derek is keeping his recently deceased twin brother's dream alive. Adam, Derek's already corpse-like bro, committed suicide two years ago and Derek found the body. (We know, therapy-central, right?) But the door that was closed on thatchapter of his life is reopened when a weird, E-mailed Quicktime message is sent to Adam's laptop. And lo and behold, there's his brother at an ATM the day before as if nothing happened." There is more of the synopsis HERE. (CSO) (HFA NEWS)

10th of February 2000

A pilot for FEARSUM has been ordered up by FOX, so expect to start hearing some casting rumours on this FOX/HAXAN Films co-produced TV show. David Goyer and Tommy Thompson are also working as exec producers. (CSO) (HFA NEWS)
 9th of December 99

 FEARSUM.. I seemed to be the only one interested in this project (When this show is bigger than the X-Files and its in its 3rd series and people are talking to me like there experts I'll be able to say..) well.. I asked about the WEBPAGE (as it will be a major role player in the film) , I asked specifically about HIDDEN LINKS which is a feature of a lot of HAXAN webpages (That most people don't ever pick up).. Dan replied that the page was going to be really good or something to that effect.
25th of November 1999

Fearsum the TV series being developed by Haxan Films (Blair Witch Guys) is about a bloke that runs a web site dedciated to strange phenomenon. Keeping on this theme FOX/HAXAN are creating a real website to go with the film that will be opened months before the pilot goes to air. The website has been dubbed by Fox prez Peter Cherin as part of their "Original Programming". Adding to my theory that TV studios are now being smart enough to realise that the web is unregulated broadcast and they can do so much more if they only would try. For TV to prosper it will need to go digital and have a symbiotic relationship with the internet. So There.

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