Monster Smasher





30th of January 2000

Above is the first promo picture from "Monster Smasher". I'm calling this a pretty darn sweet looking TV series from this promo poster. (CSO) (HFA NEWS)

 26th of January 2000

 Matthew Blackheart: Monster Smasher has been shortened to the wasier to say "Monster Smasher". (CSO) (HFA NEWS)
5th of December 1999

Hey sick of Buffy kicking monster butt once a week.. always wanted too see a superhuman (Duke Nukem-esk) type cryogenically frozen since World War 2... Well wait not much longer.. For producer Richard Donner is on the way to the rescue.. The show is titled "Matthew Blackheartt: Monster Smasher".. Not only does Blackheart have to adjust the 21st century but he also must defeat all the monsters that his arch enemy MORTAS throws at him.. So looks like we'll see if Blackheartt has a smashing time or not.. When the show goes under the HAMMER at the NAPTE industry trade show in January.. We'll find out what station picks it up if any... (CSO)

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