"POLTERGEIST-- Terror on the Set."


(oops no poster for #2, email me one:)

Directed by: Tobe Hooper.... however it is said that Spielberg (writer/Producer) had more than just his hands in a scene or two..

(These are Spiel's hands..)
The story of Poltergeist... Well dumb builders plant houses over an old cemetery thus waking the dead from their peaceful sleep... The dead first communicate to Carol Anne Freeling (Heather O'Rourke) through the Television set.. Then abduct her through the wardrobe, during a supernatural storm.. The Poltergeists mess with both Robbie (Oliver Robins)and Dana Freeling (Dominique Dunn- her brother the Director/actor/writer/producer -Griffin who directed "Practical Magic"), the other two siblings.

The Parents Diane (JoBeth Williams)and Steve (Craig T. {coach} Nelson) quickly come to terms with this weird abduction, because of several paranormal things that had been happening in the house of late. They call in the skeptics..

University Paranormal investigators come in, and the special effects go into override, in SPIELBERG (academy nominated)fashion.. If it was HOOPER terror would have gone into overdrive.. Yet one of the skeptics gets a bit of a scare while having his face ripped off by Spielberg. The Skeptics can't help so they call in a psychic to get Carol Anne back. Tangina (Zelda Rubinstein) comes in and saves Carol from the clutches of the evil dead, that for an unknown reason need her..

The House is Clean and then it sinks into the earth and the Freelings take off into the sunset, stopping at a hotel.. final sequence is Steve throwing the TV out the window.

Dominique Dunne (Dana) 1959-1982
Dominique's acting career was cut short.. An X-boyfriend and chef at LA night spot 'Ma Maison' John David Sweeney.. The relationship ended on October 30 of 1982 (Halloween eve).. That night Dominique rehearsed with David Packer, for a scene that the two would both be in, in the TV show 'V', at her place.. A pissed off Sweeney went to the house, dragged Dominique out... And proceeded to strangle her, the lack of oxygen left her braindead.. She was taken to hospital, the life support machines were turned off 5 days later.. 4th of November. Pause in respect before toggling further down.


Directed by: Brian Gibson

This more eerie installation, see the addition of a new character.. Possibly one of the scariest in horror history.. The whispering voice of Kane (Julian Beck) the music you hear is his song.. In this film Kane is after Carol Anne.. She has a link with the afterlife that can't be left alone... The Freelings are being pursued by another person Taylor an n\Native American Shaman, portrayed by Will Sampson (an actual Shaman) who has since passed on (1987).. Pause and then Toggle.

Craig T. Nelson has been quoted to say "I am convinced that the presence of Will Sampson on this film saved us from tragedy. Sampson not only plays a shaman, he is himself a shaman, and I believe that it cost him dearly in terms of his own personal health to see us safely through." more paranormal happenings were on the set (I have heard of no specifics just rumors), then what made it to film.. Sampson actually performed and Exorcism of types on set..

JoBeth Williams (the Mother), became accustomed to returning to her apartment in the afternoon to find pictures and paintings had been thrown off walls.

Julian Beck RIP
Unfortunately the actor who played Kane died during the shoot of cancer, contracted some years before.. Beck is maybe better known for his poetry and writing in some circles... His life was nothing if not lived... Truly an 'original' in every sense of the word.... Please pause before toggling down out of respect.


Directed by: Gary Sherman

My personal favorite of the series.. Carol Anne's parent leave Carol with her Uncle Bruce Gardner (Tom Skerritt) and Aunt Patricia Gardner (Nancy Allen) who live in a high rise complex designed by Bruce. Kane follows Carol Anne, this time portrayed by Nathan Davis.

This installment of the series sees the Poltergeist on the other side of the mirror.. And if you saw it I'm sure looking at anything with a reflection straight after you would be praying that Kane was not on the other side.

Other new characters include Donna Gardner (Lara Flynn Boyle) and Scott (Kip Wentz). They along with Carol Anne are abducted through the mirrors.. While Bruce and Pat battle frozen cars in the car park.. The odd thing about the ending to III is the way in which oddly all the people who go through the mirror come back.. Except for Scott.. And none of the characters seemed disturbed by this.. If anyone know the reason behind this Email me [email protected] ..

After the shooting of III the "bad luck" that seems to follow these films, well..

After complaining of Stomach Pains Heather was taken to hospital.During surgery she died of cardiac and pulmonary arrest. It was identified that she had been suffering from a severe bowel obstruction, a result of a congenital birth defect. The obstruction led to an infection, which in turn caused septic shock. The shock triggered her death. Her parents blame incorrect diagnosis for her death. POLTERGEIST III was in memory of her (which made a profit of 50% officially a bust in comparison to the others).. But the whole series is eternalizing her image.. And is thus in her memory. Pause in respect before toggling.

KANE's Song.

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