
This concept for HFA was started on HALLOWEEN of 1998..

I will continue to keep adding SPOTlights until I run out of meg.
-GORE boy

Spotlight 1


Spotlight 2

The Haunting of Hill House

Spotlight 3

The Night of the Hunter

Spotlight 4

  Poltergeist 'terror on the set'

Spotlight 5


Spotlight 6


Spotlight 7

  FANS VS. INDUSTRY '98 pt .1

Spotlight 8

  FANS VS. INDUSTRY '98 pt .2

Spotlight 9

  FANS VS. INDUSTRY '98 pt. 3

Spotlight 10

  Forecast for 1999

Spotlight 11

  Urban Legend

Spotlight 12

The Faculty

Spotlight 13


Spotlight 14


Spotlight 15

 "Through the Darkness comes a comforting set of lights..."

HFA SPOTlight "ZERO TOLERANCE" (or Sh@t it's the COPS)
 Spotlight 16

 SPOTlight 17 HERE IT IS.. I Finally finished it.. It is a total spoof and exploration of TBWP. From an Australian perspective. A Horror Fan That has not yet seen the film.. Similar to the Blair Warner site.. But this one is bigger in some ways.. It contains a NEWS section as on the HAXAN site, with 30 newsletters from a try hard Aussie filmmaker (not Ed or Dan), that combines Road Rules with TBWP, and the illegal things he does to get it on the way. A Timeline. A Bios section. Links.. And of course hidden within the page is the JOURNAL of one of the characters (there are clues).. I don't think in the history of the internet there has been a spoof page quite as complete.. But just imagine TBWP set in Western Australia, with a celeb type cast on Road Rules. It is the ultimate blurring of reality.. Watch the filmakers journey from obscurity to notoriety and than watch them run from the law (see the NEWS). The Road Rules Project has taken me about 15-20 hours to construct making it the biggest ever HFA spotlight. I have had too put the SPOTlight somepalce else as all up the info is 2.5 meg. The page is located at . I trust you will have fun reading it and laugh in awe at the hidden commentary on REAL LIFE TELEVISION, etcetera. I can't wait for your feedback on TRRP. -GORE boy
 SPOTlight 18

SIYKM- a HFA unofficial fan site
 SPOTlight 19

 Blair Witch Project .. Don't Try this at home
 SPOTlight 20


"Heart of Love"

Copyright , 1998-2000.
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