Welcome to O'week.. Part 3 of 3 SPOTlights.

4 Writers stirring up STORMS.

Andrew Kevin Walker (no pic), David S. Goyer, Scott Rosenberg, Kevin Williamson

When SONY announced that it would pay its writers 2-3 million per script.. Then add 3% profit share to the top of that as a standard.. The rest of the industry took notice.. It was SONY afterall who paid Jim Carrey 20 million to do one film..and set the precedent for other actors to earn as much.. This percentage is said to only apply to about 200 screenplay writers.. I have no list of the wirters, but for sure the 4 above would be included.. I'll throw a couple of script segments at you from a couple of the writers.. Unfortunately I was unable to get a sample of Rosenberg or Walkers actuall writing..

First we see Walker.. His first Screenplay is for an Edward Furlong film that explores the life of a horror fan and his blood lust driven hobby of recreational terror.. The films name "BRAINSCAN". After that he penned the Screenplay for Koontz's "Hideaway".. But then came his MONSTER HIT.. When "Se7en" hit the Screens.. It was essentially in style a detective film, but the imagery and the motif's and killers motives lead the film down a dark HORROR path.. I wish I had the script fragment that spelt out "HELP ME" to post under here. He than went on to write "The Game".. Currently has a film in release and to be released "8mm".. Along with a screenplay written for Tim Burtons latest prodauction "Sleepy Hollow".. I wonder how Walker would word the way in which the Headless Horseman gallops?..


2nd David S. Goyer.. Demonic Toys started the Horror.. The computer game took control of the player in "ARCADE".. Then he wrote the alien parasite film based on the book that Body Snatchers was Based on "The Puppet Masters" (not to be confused with the dolls).. He graduated to wider cinema released screenplays in 1996 with "The Crow: City of Angels" a film that traditionalist cringe at.. But he handle it well.. Alex Proyas liked it.. So then Goyer took us into another alien world.. Actually a City.. "Dark City".. If 1998 was not a big enough year for Goyer with DARK CITY alone.. How could you top that.. Well "BLADE".. It was the 3rd highest grossing horror film of 1998 behind The X-Files and the hyped up Newzilla... Goyer has cemented himself as a Screenplay writer to watch in the future.. Brian DePalma has picked up Goyer's Story idea for a film that will star GARY SINISE "Mission To Mars".. While NewLine is eagerly awaiting the screenplay he is penning for "BLADE 2".. Below is a segment of Goyer's work.. Do you remember this scene.???


(C) DAVID S. GOYER "Blade"

3rd guy to Watch is Scott Rosenberg.. Not someone that I would call strictly a horror writer.. But more of a film lover.. His work was noticable in Con-Air and Armageddon.. But Horror Fans would know him as the guy who penned the 1998 film "Disturbing Behavior".. He has also penned a screenplay still in the planning to be produced called "Bad Moon Rising".. A film about a Werewolf Motorcycle gang from rumors circulating it is his best work to date.. But at the moment you'll find Rosenberg writing over the top Halicki's script for "Gone in 60 seconds.".. Rosenberg first rose to HOLLYWOOD with his Screenplay for "Thing to do in Denver When You're Dead.".. A Movie lover and it shows in his writing and his very well self maintained webpage.. www.dmz.com.. visit it.. It's really pretty good...

4th one on the list is also a self confessed horror fan.. I'll keep this brief because the Internet is full of sites about him.. Kevin Williamson.. His first Screenplay to make a buzz around HOLLYWOOD was as close to overnight success as sreenplay writers go.. "Scary Movie" the screenplay hit the studios and days later Bidding wars the likes the horror genre had never seen.. Williamson has also penned 2 sequels to the renamed "SCREAM" the 3rd going into production in USA's SUMMER.. His other works include IKWYDLS, rewriting H20, The Faculty, Killing Mrs Tingle (which he is also directing) and of course his TV series Dawson's Creek.. It has been said that many characters Williamson writes parallel his own life.. But why bother going into the psychoanalysis.. Just READ this little snippet below and tell me why he is gonna be rich????


Okay the above page is from the opening scene to scream.. Amazing what Williamson has done in a single page.. He has thrown in some horror fan wisdom about the anoes series.. And yes the slip in the dialogue.. The first time that the audience is really meant to fear the MAN on the end of the phone.. "Because I want to know who I'm looking at." pretty darn creepy.. Right up there with "MISTY" for the creepiest stalker scenes of all time..



Another brick in the stereotypical wall... from the FACULTY.

, 1998-1999.
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