
Zero Tolerance (or "Sh*t it's the COPS) SPOTlight.

"Through the Darkness comes a comforting set of lights..."

 The comforting red and blue lights of the COPS.. Thankfully the character to be trusted in almost any film.. As we know the power gets abused in some and it can turn pretty ugly but it remains a constant. The Comfort of the red and blue lights. What horror characters would try and take on the COPS?

The character of the police officer has an origin in film as the regulator of, or the morals for, society. The police are often the voice of reason. However for some reason.. The horror genre turns this voice of reason on its ear. The cop isn't the most resourcefully the most moral character in the film. The cop is still the regulating body but is usually grounded by reality and is unwilling to accept the fact that dead murderers that wear hockey masks "DO" come back to life and stalk and kill people. This character flaw in the COP, often becomes the cops downfall. The cop can also come off as rather dumb because of it.

 How stupid are they?

 The police are the dumber of the characters for one reason.. It is their job. It is the cops job to investigate that strange noise. It's the officers job to chase after that guy who "ran down that dark alley carrying my friends head". It is the cops job to than fight the part golden retriever part man monster, because of one thing and one thing only.. They have mottos.. Things like "To serve and protect." and "Don't move or I'll shoot" (by the time thaey finish that line they are dead)..

Cops are far to nice in horror films. How often does the antagonist trick them up or kill them, think about it. Why is it that horror films can never quite pinpoint the ability of the cops? Afterall in reality the police catch more killers than lanky-large-breasted-female-teens do. I hear your screams of "it's only a movie..". If so in this case I will make it more clear, cops are more likely to be as they are in reality in the film "se7en" rather than in "I Know What You Did Last Summer".. See the cop in IKWYDLS was far to nice.. Bit of a "hey I'll get out of th car and help this guy with the meat hook in his hand, move his car off the road.." EEER. Wrong answer. If this were the cops in a film like "Se7en" thye would after reports of a murder, no matter how looney they were, they would manufacture their wits to a higher standard to accomodate.

 How cool are they?

 The odd cops in horror films that shine more than others.. Recently in the "Scream" series the character Dwight or Dewey reeks of a well trained officer in a horror film situtation that can loose all resemblances of authority and swap them for a goofy hat and boyish smile. Than there is Deputy Rick Cologne from "Friday the 13th Part 6", he had the style and grace to not get killed in that film. Sure he was tricked into the cell by Tommy Jarvis, but it was his copper instincts that got him out alive, while 3 other cops died. Never forget the 2 cool lines of Rick "Sound the noise of the cherries." and "Where ever the red dot goes.. ya bang!".

But does a kung ho attitude make for a cool cop in a horror film?.. Is there another way to survive?.. Well you can be a texas ranger chasing the phantom killer and look mighty cool, as in "The Town That Dreaded Sundown" with the kooky officer SPARKPLUG. Or you can be overly cool like the cops in "Drive-in Massacre" and spend one scene trying to make a guy feel normal for havin porn all around him. Or you can be cool like the cops in "Halloween" films that understand straight away when you tell them, Michael Myers is out there.. Or you can be a cool cop like Officer Dorf in "Friday the 13th" and know half a dozen words for marijuana, say them and than speed off down the road on your chopper.

 Zero Tolerance

 When does a cop say when?? Right about the time he's thrown in the slammer, needs a soap on a rope and is set alight by other prisoners and comes back to life to seek revenge on those who set him up in the first place. Well this is the way it was in William Lustig (Director) and Larry Cohen's (writer) action/horror saga "Maniac Cop".

All up three films were made about the cop that went over the edge. Officer Matt Cordell (Robert Z'Dar) comes back 3 times under the same writer director team. With the motto "You have the right to remain silent, forever!!" at his disposal . Cordell cleans up the streets with the assitance of his baton, that he wields with an eerie confidence.. concealed within the baton is a blade.

The film series is basically the cops revenge for lack of flattering portrayal in the genre.. Or is it showing the restrictions of law enforcement and how the law could be inforced if there trully was "Zero Tolerance"?. Or would that be a time for crime fighters more the likes of the comic book version of Judge Dredd. Where sentances and convictions can be passed on the spot and the death penalty can be issued within a thought process. A scaary world when you think about it. But in a completely moral world it would be a paradox to kill people because they did something wrong.. Jeez to think about that would make you go insane. It's a cat chase cats tale story.



www.policescanner.com- listen through real audio to the NYPD scanners along with some of your other favourites.. like the LAPD and MIAMI.. Who could forget Texas.

www.officer.com- Well here is where you'll find the facts and much more.. official police sites along with personal sites set up by cops. The Most Wanted for everyplace in the world are listed within this site.. Along with links to local and international precincts if available. Most personal sites have this humorous tag.. Note I am NOT a COP -Gb

, 1998-1999.
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