Well the last few weeks the page has been living in the past so it is time to live in the present and future/past that is 1999... Can you believe it is February already??

This will most likely be stuff you already new.. :)

For your information this year I have begun the 1999 links page that will link you to pages with info based on those certain films.. This year will see a another array of films.. Sequels, remakes, slashers and the return of the spoof.. Finally the prod companies have decided to cash in on horror films by poking fun at them.. But is it wise to do this before the release of Scream 3.. Williamson will come off as king or clown at the end of this year he has two films that are really make or breaks.. If they fail he is stuck in the genre..

(I'm not sayin the above logos are authorised by prod companies.. But I like this Scream 3 design.. You will find a link to the gossip page this came from in the 1999 section.)


Stephen King has 3 films to come out this year.. "Storm of the Century", "Desperation" and "The Green Mile.".. The last of these films (Green Mile) after reading Frank Darabout's screenplay is sure to be an oscar contender.. Could a horror film do this or is a man throwing up black bugs that turn white and dissapear too much for the academy..

Renny Harlin will be releasing DBS (Deep Blue Sea).. A shark movie to meet head to head with "Meg" that is dubbed as a cross between Jurassic Park and Jaws..

Then there is the Teen Angst that is building.. We can hear it through the punk ballads and rock tunes like "The Anthem for the year 2000" by Silverchair.. But we will see it on screen again.. in Carrie 2.. The preview is online now check out the link in my 1999 section...

Our paranoias will be tested again in many different ways.. Virus's and perculiar neighbours in Arlington Road and Virus respectively..

I hear you scream what of the Zombies?? well the remake of The Mummy is in the wind.. Talos the Mummy is not far away Either.. And Independent releases.. Well look out for "MOTHMAN" (picture below left) if it gets a distribution deal it looks to be a goer.. And keep your eyes peeled for a film Bruce Campbell has said of the filmakers "Just get out of the buisness and save us all some hassle." About the film "Deadfall" that at a glance bares more than just passing resemblance to "Evil Dead".. You may also want to keep an eye out for the unfortunate straight to video release of the sequels and prequels to "From Dusk till Dawn".

Then there is a film that looks like a rip off of "Army of Darkness" (at a glance at least) starring Antonio Banderas called "The 13th Warrior".. Based on a book series by Michael Crichton.. But it could turn out like WILLOW but it does have Cannibals in it.. So I give it a TICK..

NEXT WEEK WHO KNOWS... by the way Sony scared Dimension away from the Aussie box-office last week.. As I predicted.. Sony released Urban Legend, while Dimension's father took out "The Faculty" and put in Miramax's "Rounders"..


Of course the other one to watch for goes by many names..

But the main film to keep and eye on is THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT

, 1998-1999.
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