Name: Daniel James St.Croix
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 137 lbs
Nationality: French American
Eyes: Light Blue
Hair: Brown
Origin: Weiss Croix Kingdom
Daniel is the only child of two middle class citizens of the Weiss Croix Kingdom. As a young child, he displayed a knack for technology, math, and science. Therefore, at a very early age, he graduated from high school and began to attend a respected college at age 14. He graduated within a few years and immediately joined the Bloody Scythe, helping to design the next generation weaponry seen on the Bloody Scythe Gundams Shadow Reaper and ArchAngel. He has recently completed his own pair of Mobile Armors which he has called, respectively, Shadow Hawk and Cerberus
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